I need tips on introducing my 1 year old shih tzu(M) shih tzu to my shih tzu puppy(f)


New member
I need some serious help I just got my new puppy yesterday and all of a sudden my 1 year old started misbehaving he never was like this to other dogs especially my girlfriends dog (who is around the same age as him) who has come over and been inside his territory. But now all of a sudden he started peeling on the floor when he’s potty trained but he only does this near my puppy’s enclosure. What do I do? Please help!
@agapeos1080 You should put your 1 year old shih tzu inside a room with a door and place your puppy outside the door. Have a them sniff each other through the door. Once this has happened enough, you can try putting their food bowls together and giving both treats.
@anonbeliever I endorse this method but do a gradual change.

So food on either side of the door so they eat near each other

Then a baby/puppy gate in the door so they can see but not touch each other

Then I switch which rooms they are in so they don’t feel like anything is “theirs”

Then I let them have supervised play

Had worked for me with cats and dogs
@agapeos1080 Is the male neutered? Because if not, that might be the problem, he marking his territory. Also i really do hope he is neutered or you're planning to. 2 unsterilized dogs living together isnt a great idea and breeding may seem easy - but its not - you need to be taking them to regular vet appointments, etc.
@foreverintrovert I plan on breeding them I’ve taken all the possibilities into consideration with them and the risks and have my vets on speed dial for when the time comes thank you though! I appreciate your advice a lot!!
@agapeos1080 Good! I recommend finding fb groups, subreddits or blogs on your specific breed. There's lots of knowledge out there on responsible breeding. As for the peeing- the boy might be marking his territory but i would still bring him into the vet for a wellness check . That will also help for future breeding as you will know your males healthy and good to go! Best of luck!

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