I need some thoughts on situation with my dog, please


New member
So my dog, she’s a 10 year old, spayed, Yorkie. She weighs 5.5-6 lbs. She has had a number of health issues in her life (a weird nerve/spine thing that the vet was never able to diagnose that eventually passed, recurrent seizures, recurrent pancreatitis, arthritis). Her anal glands were removed in 2015 due to constant impaction. Her quality of life after the surgery improved dramatically, however now she has complete fecal incontinence. Initially for several years after the surgery, it was just when she barked but it’s pretty much all the time now. I clean up poop from the house at least 5-6 times a day, and have to wash her multiple times a day because she has feces stuck in her fur. She won’t wear a diaper. She’s frequently on courses of metronidazole for diarrhea.

She also has a collapsing trachea (vet rated at medium severity, currently). She is on hydromet for the coughing and it helps but it also gives her diarrhea and sedates her a lot. She’s also on meds for allergies to help the general irritation in her throat and alprazolam to help with the anxiety about her trachea. So lots of regular meds for her.

She isn’t exactly suffering, I don’t think. She still enjoys being with us and she still eats, tho it does seem more difficult for her recently. We do still take her for daily walks but fairly short as she is easily winded. We can’t play with her at all anymore, sadly, as she immediately starts coughing and retching. I’ve been starting to feel like it might be time to start thinking about euthanasia. I’ve had to euthanize plenty of pets in my lifetime but they have all been critically ill, I’ve never been in this tenuous spot where they aren’t quite suffering yet but quality of life isn’t great either. In addition, the fecal incontinence is hard. Today I literally spent more than an hour bleaching the floors because she pooped in several places and someone tracked it around the house (I have small children, one who is crawling so the floors can’t have E. coli all over them...).

I don’t know what to do. I love my pooch, truly. And I also know this is hard on her and on me. Any advice welcome, but please, no hate. It’s hard for me to think about this and I won’t do it if it isn’t in her best interest but it’s a tough situation. Thank you.

Edit: she is under the regular care of a vet that she has been seeing her whole life.
@llcman Perhaps this is something you should speak to your vet about - if they've been her vet her whole life they'll usually be able to give you an honest and knowledgeable opinion on the issue.
If it were my dog and she weren't in any pain and seemed happy I'd let her live out her days with us in peace. Perhaps get a child gate and limit her to a room or two away from the kids during the day if unsupervised. Only you know your dog tho! It's not an easy decision!
@noetje I have spoken to the vet. He is out of any additional medical options and he’s willing to euthanize her if that’s what I decide. I just am so very torn. I was just looking for any thoughts. Thank you for commenting.
@llcman I think u should consider very deeply if she is happy and painless or not. If she really isn't in pain and is enjoying life, I certainly would advise you to let her live. Not only because both of you will be enjoying each other, but also you are not going to regret it afterwards. Because if you go for euthanasia when she could still continue around happilly, it's almost certain you'll be questioning your decision once all the work is gone and you just miss her. Keeping her may mean work, yes, but as Nican suggested, there are some options to make life easier.

But you have to be sure about it, there is no point in putting her through pain just to enjoy her company a little more as well. Keep in mind that dogs may feel happy even if in pain and they tend to hang on on life even if it hurts, just to be with us. I had a dog who hanged on with me for 5hours and she just let it go when I left the room. I also was helping a street dog who had been ran down by some as**** once, and the little guy got up, with broken ribs and perfurated lungs, just to get away from me to die. She knows you love her and she wants to be there with you and of course she is going to be happy about it, even if there is pain.

Maybe you should ask the vet about what he/she thinks she is feeling, instead of what could be done. And of course, no one other than you knows better her behavior, so pay attention to the little details and see if you are not missing some signs (signals? sorry, english is not my native language). Whatever you decide, she knows you love her :)

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