I need recommendations


New member
I have an 8 month old golden doodle but he looks just like a golden retriever. He sheds like one. My house is 90% carpet and he gets bathes regularly. I cannot for the life of me get dirty dog smell out of my home. I wash any plush toys he has, I have numerous wall plug ins, I’ve tried air sanitizer, deep cleaning my carpets, using baking powder on my carpets and vacuuming it up… is there a specific god shampoo y’all recommend or cleaning products or just plain advice? I know many dog owners whose homes smell great. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. TIA!
@hannah239 Not many doodle owners like to hear this but, as a groomer…

Shave them down.

Their combination of coat is not self-cleaning like that of a golden or a shepherd. It sponges in water and grime that takes forever to dry. The beards get yeasty, even moldy. And if your dog has mats those too tend to remain damp for a long time, like a soaked dreadlock.

Something clean like this:

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