I need help with some questions about breeding


New member
So I have some questions about breeding small dogs, my maltipoo is currently in her second heat cycle and I'm considering mating her with my neighbors maltipoo stud that is just now around six months old, I have questions about his maturity and how do I know if he is old enough to mount her, also how does the litter split go , if she were to have 2-6 pups how should we split them , imo I feel that me,the owner of the female should get a.first pick b. More of the litter maybe 60-40 or better, what are the standard rules of breeding when it come to this also how do I know if he is mature enough, please if someone could help me out a lil bit it would be appreciated thank you in advance
@goldfishhh If your dog is on her second season that would mean she is 1 year old no? And the male is half of that. If that the case, neither are developed enough to hold in a litter. The stud services are either paid with cash or one pup. I wouldn't go as far as splitting the litter but that's entirely up to you. The terms are made by both parties so make it fair and communicate with your neighbor.
@goldfishhh As the previous comment said, both pups are too young to be bred, and while mating them could lead to pregnancy the chances of those puppies being deformed or ill would be high as the dogs are not reproductively mature.
A bitch should not be bred untill she is at least two years old minimum and a dog must be at least over one year.
The owner of the stud dog gets first pick and only one pup. Or you can pay them cash, this is what I have always done.
If you breed your dog while she is too young they may not be able to take the strain and sometimes they don't make it. When she is old enough I would recommend getting her vet checked and telling the vet you are planning a litter before you mate her.
Cool thank you for the advice , information taken and needed , I was assuming the stud wasnt old enough yet had no idea the bitch was to young as well and didnt know the breeding "standards" thanks