I need help and advice


New member
Hello everyone. I'm new here and I really need some of your insights about what I'm going to explain.

I don't have any experience in taking care a dog but I'm asking advice for my teacher that have a Husky Siberian dog. In below I put the details:
  • Vaccination Status: The Siberian Husky has received its second round of vaccinations, but not the rabies vaccine. The dog is usually very active and loves humans.
  • Current Condition:
    • The dog is lethargic and sleeping all day, walking slowly with its head down.
    • It appears to be in pain around the neck, crying out when lightly touched or when an attempt is made to touch it. The muscles around the neck seem to tremble.
    • Due to neck pain, the dog has difficulty standing up on its own, especially after lying down for a while, and cries out in pain when trying to get up.
  • Onset of Symptoms:
    • February 13: The dog swallowed a pet sheet and was given an emetic injection at the vet, followed by vomiting at home.
    • February 14: The dog is lethargic and sleeping all the time, but has an appetite.
    • February 15: Fever of 38.9°C and dragging its feet. Received a fever-reducing injection at Jojima Animal Hospital.
    • February 16-18: The fever subsided, and the dog could walk more lightly, but was not fully recovered.
    • February 18 (Evening): The dog suddenly started crying while sleeping and couldn't get up, a condition that continues to the present.
  • Previous Incident:
    • January 19: The dog swallowed a sock and was given an emetic injection at the vet, which led to a loss of energy but retained appetite.
    • January 21: The dog couldn't get up on its own and cried out, with a fever of 39.5°C.
    • January 22: Received fever-reducing medication at the vet, and after three days, the fever subsided, and the dog could walk normally.
    • January 27 (Evening): While sleeping on the sofa, the dog suddenly cried out in pain and was taken to an emergency vet at night. A dislocation of the neck was suspected, and an MRI was recommended.
    • January 28: At another hospital with MRI facilities, the dog was diagnosed as not having a dislocation. It was suggested that the symptoms might be due to sudden seizures, and a wait-and-see approach was taken.
    • From January 29: Symptoms resembling mild seizures occurred several times a day, often when moving the neck or when the front legs cramped. There were also days with fever.
    • February 4: The dog did not have seizures for one day, although it was not energetic.
    • February 5 (Morning): The dog suddenly became energetic and ran around as usual.

Other Additional Notations​

  • Age of the dog: 1 month during the adopting
  • Current age: 4 month
  • Main Suspected Causes: Injection
    • 1st Injection: Week 1, He broke a dog toy and ate the cotton out from it and went straight to hospital and doctor gave him an injection for him to vomit out what he ate.
      • After effect: No effect
    • 2nd Injection: Week 2 Day 3, he ate stocking and went to hospital and got the same injection as before.
      • After effect: Seizure occurred and 2 weeks later his body condition back to normal.
    • 3rd Injection: Month 2 Day 13, he got third injection.
      • After effect: 3 weeks 1 day later his body condition are not in a good condition as if his body became weak and always sleepy. Each time he wake up he look like his neck are in pain.