I just found out that e-collars will be banned in the UK from February 2024


New member
Why has the Kennel Club got involved in this non issue. If they had actual proof that this was an issue I’d say fair enough but they don’t. They have a University which uses a scientific setup to see if e-collars are effective??? That’s not a real world scenario!

Anyway to do what we can we need to sign this petition to try and get this ban reveresed and actually save some dogs lives (Unlike this ban will do): https://chng.it/7pz6qyynFT
@teddy The fact the e collar being banned in Wales resulted in more attacks on livestock should be a massive indicator that banning doesn't work. A year after the ban there the attacks increased by four times the amount, and they had to shoot three times as many dogs.

The Kennel Club etc all claim animal welfare, but in what world does death of livestock and dogs equate to welfare. It's beyond welfare, they're just power hungry to control dog owners imo
@teddy If your in the UK you can join the Association of Responsible Dog Owners here and get template e mails to send to your MP too. James Penrith runs it, he specialises in livestock avoidance training with e collars for sheep worrying dogs and really knows his stuff with them.
@sarahtoo I was reading through the information on the link you provided and I am shocked to have learnt how many healthy dogs get put down by shelters - just because they can’t solve behavioural issues by throwing biscuits at them. How can it be more ethical to kill an animal versus trying different training methods? How do people not see through these hypocrites? A dog being slightly uncomfortable so they can learn and live a happy and stress free life is always preferable to sentencing them to death. I’ve signed the petition and I will be emailing my MPS today
@youtwotoo Its a sad state of affairs when they'd rather kill a dog than admit the force free positive only approach might not be the best fit for them.

On one of Jamies videos he says he approached the three biggest dog charities here and offered to train their next behavioural euthenaisa case for free. He was told the dogs have been through enough already without subjecting them to e collar training and it was better to PTS :(

(I think it may have been this video on Robert Cabrals channel actually, its pretty long but makes some good arguments for e collars)
@sheshell675 I don’t think you want to know. It’s a contraption that attaches to the dogs legs and it’s on a remote and to stop the dog chasing livestock it tightens up he pulleys so the dog can’t run or move it’s legs. The video is horrible the dog starts crying out. Yet they claim it’s safe and humane.
@jowi That's in the "gentle" leader category for me. Where R+ is so desperate to avoid traditional aversives that they just make up weirder ones. Choke collar isn't ok but a choke collar on the nose is. E collar isn't ok, but restraining your dog by the hind legs is.

And with those "gentle" tools, they take a shit ton of conditioning before most dogs won't just completely flip their shit and get hurt. But they're "gentle" and "minimally" aversive. The dog hating it isn't because it's aversive, it just needs more conditioning.
@azelea I just can imagine the serious damage that thing will do when you get a dog in drive that will fight it. They are going to cause serious damage. I’ve seen dogs get tangled up in wire and stuff playing fetch and kept running and do serious damage. So I can imagine what they will do fighting this.

The worse part is they won’t admit it’s aversive. Aversive doesn’t equal pain. And I think the biggest problem is these people are not learning actual knowledge on what an aversive is and punishment so they don’t actually realise they are doing it all the time and sometimes in the most horrible way. Like the whole “time out” for my dogs that is the “you have f***ed up big time” it’s leveraging the most valued thing to your dog if you’ve built the relationship well.
@teddy In another country the same thing was proposed, but they slipped other things, not in the original ban plan/proposal, in along with the e-collar when they passed it to law. Jamie, and many others, have been trying to reverse this proposed ban happening in the UK, all help is welcome and appreciated.

I'm not in the UK but am watching the worldwide movement of this, afraid of where it will eventually go. I live in the country and have seen what dogs - often very nice dogs normally - can do to livestock when the the right, or wrong, circumstances allow.

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