I hit my dog for the first time and I feel like a piece of shit


New member
Ok, in no way do I still support what I did but I freaked out.

Over the past 2 weeks, 3 dogs in my area have been killed for eating some poisoned food that has been left along popular dog walking paths and parks. Some people have been lacing different foods with some kind of poison, and leaving bags of kibble mixed with chocolate on the ground. Just now, I was walking with my nearly 5 month old GSD. She was doing so well and walked for 20 minutes alongside me without being distracted.

I then see her go towards some bushes and pull out a piece of what I guess was some kind of bread. I immediately tell her to drop it, which she does. I go to reach for a treat, but then she lunges back at the bread and immediately tries to swallow it whole. Now, I’m normally calm and patient with her and training has been going super well, but I freaked out knowing what’s been happening in my area.

I shoved my hand into her mouth and tried to pull out the bread which was already nearly in her throat, and gave her a good slap on the top of her nose because that was just my reflex, and letting out a big NO. I don’t normally train her like this, but I just blacked out. She didn’t cry but she was clearly shook by it. Immediately after, I felt like a complete piece of shit. Any sudden movement by me, or even attempts to pet her scared her. She would lower her head and even almost lie on the ground.

Back home, she went under the table and just looked at me, she looked scared. I’ve never felt so terrible about anything my entire life. I then gave her treats and big hugs and kisses and she seems to be back to normal now, but I’m still shocked by how I acted. She’s just a baby and doesn’t know any better, but all I could think about was how she might have ingested some kind of poison.

Shitty move by me but I guess we all learn from our mistakes. I’ll definitely learn to control myself, even in intense situations. I hope she’ll continue to act normal with me.
@agios_triados It’s awful. It’s a massive problem where I live too (Vietnam). Something more dangerous than chocolate is being mixed in here too as even dogs who didn’t eat anything but just licked their paws after a walk have died.

When I was living in Hanoi, where it was especially bad, I’d carry a bottle of charcoal powder and a bottle of water around with me on all our walks. The amount you need for a fully grown GSD though is nuts so I’m glad I never had to make him swallow it all. Apparently if you give it to them straight away, it can absorb the poison and stop it getting into their system (I don’t really know how it works- I’m not a vet or medical professional of any kind).
@agios_triados Unfortunately this stuff happens because we live in a world with really messed up people. I don’t let our girl drink from public water fountains at public parks or anywhere else now because last year some absolute nutter went around putting some kind of acid in the dogs water bowls at in 4 different locations very close to our location.
@phanthanh96 Nah you're good, your dog will forget very quickly so long as you do not keep doing it.

I would absolutely be walking somewhere else, and maybe even muzzle to prevent foraging until they learn or you are confident they will not come across anything dangerous.
@phanthanh96 What else could you have done? If you hadn't acted fast you could be sitting there crying over a dead dog and wondering why you didn't act faster! Forget it and move on cos she will! And to the piece of shit poisoning digs I hope you meet karma so hard and fast it makes your head spin