I have a lot of anxiety about using my #7 blade and I can’t seem to get over it


New member
I have had 2 accidents in the 5 years I’ve been grooming. Both of those times I was using a #7 blade. After the second incident, one of my coworkers informed me that this blade is particularly dangerous (I think she was trying to make me feel better). Before this, I used my #7 like I would any other blade and didn’t think twice. However it’s been years since my last incident and I can’t shake my apprehension. If a dog is matted, I will try using a #7 in certain areas but if it doesn’t glide through with minimal pushback, I immediately switch to a #10 blade. If certain spots, (such as the throat) are super matted, I don’t even attempt to use a #7 because I’m terrified of snagging loose skin. If I’m grooming a dog with tiny, skinny little legs and the owner wants a #7 all over, I’ll generally do that length on the body and then switch to a #5 for the legs; part of this is because I think it looks better however I can’t lie and say that using a #7 on the legs doesn’t freak me out.

I know that many groomers absolutely love this blade and I used to as well! How the heck do I get over this?? Does anyone else feel this way? A couple of coworkers have said that this fear might not be a bad thing because I’m hyper aware of the safety of my dog however this just doesn’t feel normal.

Right now, a lot of my customers keep their dogs on the fluffier side. I’ll do maybe 1-2 #7 shavedowns a week but for the most part the shortest people want to go is a 2 snap on comb. However I’m moving to an area next week that gets MUCH hotter so I have a feeling super short haircuts are going to be more popular and I’m dreading it a bit.

Please tell me I’m not crazy 😂.
@chaz1268 You aren’t crazy - the only accidents I have had - have been with a 7. Screw the 7 blade. I am fine using it for shave downs if there is no matting at all but I still use a 10 around the armpits and more on the back legs than I would with any other length clip.
@chaz1268 I never use a #7 on places like armpits, neck, tuck up. I've never had an incident but the difference between a #7 and a #10, no one noticed anyways. Don't worry about it too much. Better safe than sorry
@chaz1268 To clarify, you are using a finishing blade (has an F next to the number) correct?
If the dog is matted, there are some areas on the body that might get caught in the skin (tuckup, ears, and armpits) so I always switch to a #10 on those areas.
@chaz1268 Even in corporate groom school they tell you horror stories and hammer it into your head how #7s are dangerous/cursed.

One story (dog was okay btw!!) was a diabetic, senior poodle with a groomer using a 7 on the throat and caught a wrinkle.
@chaz1268 yeah I usually do a #5 on the legs anyway, especially for labs and poms. If the dog seems particularly wrinkly or has bad skin I'll do a reverse comb equivalent.
@chaz1268 I've had a similar experience but I eventually realized I learned from my mistakes. That's what is all about accidents happen. I was so bad to the point I would try to talk people out of blades and rely on my guard combs actually now though I prefer blades over guard combs .
@chaz1268 I was thinking of posting the same thing. I'm relatively new and we use our 7s daily in the shop. I never thought about it twice until I cut a dogs front arm. I don't even know how it got caught in the blade as it wasn't loose skin but it scared me and I can't stop thinking about it.

I feel your pain!