i don't know where to start-


New member
i've had my dog for over a year now- she's a Treeing Walker Coonhound Mix, and she's very well behaved. i got her from the pound, and when i asked why she was given up, they told me that the only reason they gave was that "she wasn't good enough". if i am to assume- they were going to use her as a hunting dog.

When i got her, we were living in a house with two other dogs (and older F and a 3 y/o M), and she was very respectful to the fact that the other F was the dominant dog. the only problem we had was if the F dog laid on my dogs bed, or occasionally if she were to wander in our room. she never attacked the F though, just kinda lunged and growled. That was the only problem we'd ever had.

Since getting her, we've moved to another home with three Doberman. and i'm adding the types of dogs because i think they are bred for nipping while hunting? i'm not sure. anyways- there's a 4 y/o M, a 2 y/o F, and a puppy.

My dog loooooves the puppy, and they occasionally get into "fights" but nothing crazy. my dog also loves the 4 y/o M, and they hunt squirrels together out in the backyard a lot.

My problem arises with the 2 y/o F. My dog is now also roughly 2 years old. i wasn't given her exact birthday, but the rough age they gave was 8 months at the time i adopted her. Her and the F fight like i've never seen before. but the F usually starts it. she'll nip my dog and my dog comes back full force. this isn't to say i've never seen my dog instigate, because unfortunately i have. i don't know if it's the close age gap, or the nipping, or (and this is my own personal theory) if my dogs howl bark makes F anxious and that starts it. the F isn't the most well behaved or trained- she has her owner wrapped around her finger and gets everything she wants. kinda like a youngest kid vibe, lol.

i'm on here because during their last fight, someone got bitten by my dog. they tried to intervene and put themselves in the middle and got bit. so now whenever the dogs cross paths (which honestly isn't a whole lot, my dog likes to be outside and F doesn't) i muzzle my dog. and i feel guilty for the whole situation. i've done research and contacted a Reactive trainer who is willing to train both F and my dog- but also while researching it keeps telling me to take her to the vet incase she's sick. i'm stuck and an impass because i don't know what i'd even tell the vet, and for the reactive training i'll have to take out a loan (which is fine)

I guess my question is- where would you start and why? the vet, or training?

P.S- this is the first dog i've ever owned, i've only ever had cats before this. i really believe she's not a bad dog but im just worried someone else is going to get bit.
@oracle999 There's an old adage: "males fight for breeding rights, females fight for breathing rights."

Both your female and the other female are hitting maturity. Dobermans can be prone to same sex aggression, I believe. I don't know much about if hounds are, but even if a breed isn't prone to it in general, individual dogs can be. It may well be that these two dogs can never be trusted together alone, and may need to be managed/watched closely when they are together.

I would probably start with the vet. I think it's unlikely your dog is ill, but it's always a good first step just to be totally sure.

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