I don’t know if this question belongs here but I’m unsure where to go


New member
If this is a question for the wrong sub, please let me know where I could ask it!

My mom is an addict and currently homeless and has our two dogs. She’s living in a car and the dogs are with her and I know there’s 0 way they’re being taken care of and my heart hurts so much thinking about it. She won’t let anyone else take them in and I don’t know what to do. Can I call animal services or anything to help? Im just so panicked over them
@diamndiva Can you take them? I'm guessing no?

Unfortunately if she won't release them, even to a lovely home, this is a symptom of her illness, and you'll need to boundary that as you do other hurtful things she does.

I'd just give her lots of dog food for them. You have a good heart. All the best

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