I don’t deserve my dog


New member
I’m sitting at the bottom of my stairs taking a break from house chores on a beautiful Fourth of July. I rest my head on a step looking up at the ceiling just enjoying the music playing in my ears. My dog watches me and then goes up a couple of steps and looks down over my face, we lock eyes while I smile back at her. She licks my face, and at the moment I become full with bliss, realizing that I don’t deserve my dog. She’s too good for this world and for me.

I’ve never had such a strong and mutual relationship with my pet like this before. She’s beyond loyal and if I can help it, will bring her along with me everywhere I go. I’m thankful for her coming into my life and choosing me to be her person. It’s true happiness and love.

I didn’t have a microphone or a top of a mountain to climb to shout how much my dog means to me in this exact moment, but I think Reddit is the closest to a mountain top.
@grandmary I've been at work,having a terrible day,then all of a sudden his face comes into my mind,I smile(first time in a while) realize just how much I can't wait to get home to him!! Please don't show this to my wife🤣
@sherahephraim There’s a sci fi story I read where tens of thousands of years ago, aliens can to earth to learn patience and love. They found a place among humans and love it so much they stayed and eventually became dogs.
@paimei No... Not at all. It's not that I don't believe in a higher order.. It's that we can't fathom that order with our primitive minds.... And dogs are a perfect companion.. Perfect. I think the same thing about cows. Produces milk, beef, leather..a perfect animal. where else is there perfection in our world?
@grandmary I think a lot of us feel this way. I’ve always had deep connections with my dogs over the years and every one, Miki, Panda, and now Merlin, has brought some joy to my life.
@grandmary So I’m putting together our replacement bed frame, it becomes uncomfortable sitting on my knees so I go to sit on my hip. I forget my keys are in my pocket making this extremely uncomfortable so I just end up rolling over on my side. One of my two dogs must’ve thought I passed out or something. She comes running over, starts pawing my side, then comes and starts licking my face. We don’t deserve dogs
@grandmary This post is truly relatable! I have 5 dogs, and right now, they are all hanging out with me and my boyfriend, curled up in various positions around us. Two are on the floor (one in her bed, the other on the bedside carpet), one resting on my boyfriend's chest, and one stretched out at the bottom of the bed, using my ankle as a pillow and occasionally tickling my toes with his whiskers. As for the last one...well, my boyfriend keeps laughing at me and I bet I do look pretty funny right now :p

I'm currently laying flat on my stomach while I painstakingly type this with my chin propped up on a pillow, laptop on my bedside table, and my arms stretched out to reach my keyboard, because the 5th dog is horizontally splayed out across my back with no clear intentions of moving anytime soon. This is something he used to do often as a puppy back when we started fostering (and then adopted...) him at 4ish months. Back then, it was wayyyyy easier to handle, and honestly just too cute for words. Now it's a little hard to breathe when he does it LOL He's the 3rd biggest of the pack, being a labrador retriever who just turned a year, and god knows he's growing like a weed. He's gotten so big that he's slid off me a few times and has to keep readjusting himself so that he can continue being my heavyset blanket. It definitely isn't the most comfortable position, but I can hear his snuffling breaths hitting my ear and can't bring myself to move.

I love all my dogs so much that sometimes it's hard to handle haha as much as they drive me nuts, I wouldn't change them for the world!
@grandmary Can't count the number of times I have been out with friends, having a great time but all I think about is how much I want to get home and snuggle with my pups. Dogs=Love.

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