I’m sick of obese dogs


New member
This is a rant/PSA to lurking pet parents: I’m tired of seeing dogs come in that are a healthy weight and then balloon over time to become obese. It can turn a dog that was perfect on the table to a dog that is in pain from the extra weight, constantly shifting their weight, trying to sit, and fighting and sometimes even biting me every time I need to pick up a leg. And this is more than half of my clients. Way too many people have a scewed perception of what a healthy weight looks like for their dog. Pet parents - you should be able to easily feel their ribs, and if you’re looking at your dog from above, they should have a waistline. Please stop over feeding or get them checked for Cushing’s. The end, good day.
@beta2 I had a perfectly polite lab today that was fully cooperative with her nail graind, and it still took over 20 minutes because she couldn't hold herself up on 3 legs for longer than a couple seconds. Even getting her to sit for the back paws, she kept shuffling around. I felt so bad for her, she seemed so uncomfortable under all that weight
@beta2 Yeah… it’s the seeing it happen that really gets me. When you have a dog as a puppy (or at least under 2 years) and you get to see it as a beautiful, well proportioned dog in great condition for a few appointments and then they just start getting fatter and fatter. Aside from how sad it is (and obviously it is) the groom just never looks quite as good as it used to.
@xekuter Yes, there’s one doodle in particular that I am thinking of that started with us as a puppy and became so morbidly obese that he’s constantly panting, waddles when he walks, and is horrible on the table. It’s depressing to watch
@xekuter we have a client who managed to make their puppy hugely obese by 8 months old. Not even exaggerating, this dog legit looked like a table (back so flat and wide you could put a cup on it) with tiny legs AT 8 MONTHS. It's fatter now. They got this one after they lost their prior, hugely obese, relatively young dog. No idea what these people are doing to their dogs, how do you make your puppy 15 pounds overweight in 6 months?
@xekuter My pit mix is 10 and slowing down in more ways than one. Keeping the weight off has been a little bit of a learning process as I adjust for her new caloric expenditure but other than that it’s easy because i control all of her intake.
@mauricio512 Honestly old dogs getting a bit fat is one thing, it’s almost unavoidable for a lot of them! It’s when it’s a young healthy dog that’s barely out of puppyhood that it’s really like… oh man…
@beta2 I swear the majority of my time on Reddit is spent looking at what is supposed to be a cute post with me looking in disgust being like…your dog isn’t a chonk it’s gonna die
@ulrichgood We have a couple who lost their 190 lb beast of a st Benard and adopted a 211 lb newfound mix. This thing is the biggest dog I've seen in my life and these people expect my coworker who's a 105lb girl to be able to lift him into the tub.. they looked at me like I lost my mind when I told them they need to walk their dog into our tub themselves at arrival. Even with 3 girls pushing and pulling the drool flies everywhere creating a slippery floor while he's thrashing and resisiting. If they weren't friends with our boss I would have fired them for her so fast. I can pick up 100-120lb bernese and hold them like a baby but there's no handling a 211lb dog by yourself.
@ulrichgood Especially when the dog is 2 weeks out of rescue and has 0 training or experience with grooming 🙃 what drives me crazy too is when people come in after being rejected from multiple places due to their dogs aggression/psychotic behavior and I let them know I cannot guarantee I'll be to finish their dogs haircut if others groomers couldn't and when I call them and wasn't able to complete/did what I could without injuring the dog they act mad af. I get some dogs just need special handling and extra care but for those dogs that are straight Satan, I'm not a damn magician ! If I could snap my fingers and be able to give your dog a cute haircut i would 😭 it's like people loose all sense of reality when they walk in
@beta2 I've had people who come to pick up their fat dogs, and want help getting them in the car. I go to help them, but they're like, can you lift him into the car for me? I'm like, no, it took 2 people to get him in the tub, and we almost couldn't do it, you'll have to help, and also get a ramp for next time.
@beta2 It’s neglect. That’s the word for it.

Your pet has a health condition that you are not only opting not to treat, you are actively making it WORSE.
@cathya I think a lot of the time too it’s not walking them enough, and when they don’t go for walks or get enough exercise, the thought never crosses peoples minds to just…. not overfeed