I’m sick and puppy won’t f* off


New member
I got my second covid vaccine yesterday and I feel like I was hit by a dump truck. I have NO energy and my everything hurts. I called off work. This is the first time since I adopted her in August that I have been “sick” enough to knock me down. A few major headaches or stomach woes here and there but I was still able to care for her but I am pretty bed ridden right now. My mind is awake but my body is trash.

And she just DOES. NOT. CARE.

I feel like a major bad guy right now because I just yelled at all three of them to STFU just because i knew it would make them sad and they would all go lay down.

Her and the two big kids were pretty “nice” last night and this morning because I was whimpering and tossing and turning all night but now that my visual suffering has ceased they’ve all decided business as normal.

Just. Oh my god. Please let me lay down a few more hours. That’s all I’m asking. If I was really sick this would be a multi day thing, all I need is like a few good hours of rest JUST A FEW HOURS PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
@kethi Lol this is me today just from my menstrual cycle.

I’m honestly impressed they even have a response to you yelling. I have a 4 month old puppy 🐶 who ignores me whenever she wants

Just put them in the crate and get in bed. Gotta put on your own oxygen first
@conradrocks I use my big angry scary voice and everyone slinks off to a corner and sulks!! I save it for important times... otherwise yeah puppy has no idea what’s going on when I’m normally yelling and normally doesn’t care 😂

We opted out of the crate awhile ago, she sees everyone else out of it and howls and barks. She would sleep in it at night only, but she’s so good at night I realized I wasn’t using it to any sort of benefit. I can just leave them all alone down here and go upstairs but I am D. E. D. on the couch!
@conradrocks Nope! A lady with a little boy voice lmao my pup actually only recalls when I use my angry firm voice. I can’t talk nice to her or she doesn’t listen. So to other people it sounds like I’m about to beat some puppy ass but really I’m just using the only voice she responds to.
@kethi My puppy was the same way this morning. We usually get up at 5am for our morning walk, but I went to bed with a headache and woke up with one, so I didn't want to get up. She woke me up anyway Ike, hey, hey it's walk time isn't it.

All I could muster was a two minute break to go out and pee. Then I knew she had to poop and she just wouldn't and I felt like a maniac standing out there this morning begging my puppy to poop so I could go lay down again.

I just let her be for a few hours while I slept. I hope you're getting some rest!
@jbewlz Oh my god so my pup does this thing where I let her outside, and 10 minutes later I call them back in and she forgot to pee because WEEE FUN!!! so I have to take her out on a leash to make her do it, I just stood there sobbing in the 22 degree weather begging her to please just go already.

I get really jealous when I see people post "my puppy knew I was sad/sick" and I look at my 3 non-sympathetic little psychos like hey what the heck why don't you love me???

I did manage to nap for another 2 hours, my brain is REALLY SICK of sleeping but my body cannot cope with this existence. I just had to take the trash out and I was grunting and wheezing like a decrepit old 600lb woman trying to go up a flight of stairs. I hope you got a nap too!
@kethi > I feel like a major bad guy right now because I just yelled at all three of them to STFU just because i knew it would make them sad and they would all go lay down.

It's a dog