How to prepare my dog for me going away on vacation?


New member
My partner and I adopted an ACD mix one month ago. Naturally, Cass is a mama's boy/follows me everywhere and is stand offish with strangers. He's tolerated meeting friends when they don't approach him and just let him sniff around, but this only lasts for ~2hrs before he gets growly. Anyway, we had a wedding to go to ~4 hours away this weekend and had a meet up with a sitter from Rover who also had dogs, and the plan was for him to stay there (can't leave him uncrated at home as we also have cats and I like to supervise). The meeting didn't go as hoped. The other dogs were very social and got up in his face, causing Cass to be overwhelmed and snap in the air a few times. We then tried Cass just interacting with the Rover sitters without their dogs around and while my partner and I stepped out for a walk. That didn't go well either--not because of any reactions or aggression, but because Cass just declined to interact with them whatsoever. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any boarding open, and I'm not okay with keeping him crated for 2 days and having someone just let him out every few hours, so we cancelled our trip.

My question is, how do we start preparing him now for future trips? We have upcoming 4-day trips in August, November, and December planned. What can progress toward interacting with others can we reasonably expect in that time? I understand that his breed's temperament is unlikely to contribute to a super calm social butterfly, but I do need to be able to have him cared for when we take trips that he can't accompany us on. Right now for the August trip I've booked him the bougiest option at a local boarding place, but I'm also worried being around dogs/people in that environment will stress him as well.

For reference, his paperwork says that he's between 1-2, and I'm sure he missed out on good socialization opportunities as a pup as we were told he spent all his time outside with a bunch of dogs. I have no other information. He did do well with his foster family + their dog before we got him, with no incidents of aggression (~2.5 weeks).

My partner, Cass, and I thank you in advance for all advice!
@neo4257 Omg, he looks EXACTLY like my baby!!!!

Similar also - obsessed with me, likes about 10 other people, not a fan of strangers, downright aggressive with strange men.

What we did - we take him to a doggy day care that also offers boarding. He’s familiar with the staff, and usually stays with the same lady. It’s worked really well. Even if you don’t need day care, maybe you could take him once a week so that he’s comfortable, and then board with the same one so it’s not as much of a shock.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you for your advice! I was wondering about trying out some day care, but I wasn’t sure if it would be a bad idea and compound the problem. We can definitely try a day and see how it goes, and hopefully keep it up until our next trip so he gets familiar with staff
@neo4257 For me its super hard, but not even about him more about me lol I got attached to my dog(first) and now im the one missing him even tho he is agressive lol now I just take em on my trips. But have one coming soon and going to leave him for 2 days with a friend that knows him. Not much of a help I know