How to create stability for a dog


New member
My partner and I have recently had a newborn baby. The birth was unplanned and admits all the chaos, we moved back in with my parents to find a new place. However, since the baby has been born, my partners usually really behaved dog had began to act out of character: using potty inside the house; stealing food from the table (somehow got into covered food?!) and hiding it in her bed;not listening to commands;

We both know this is pretty regular behaviour when a new addition is added, especially as she was so used to being the centre of attention. However, I’ve returned back to education, my partner works 7 days a week, my parents work an irregular schedule and my siblings are not always in. Because of this, it’s been hard to provide stability. I’ll fully admit, there are days where we are all so tired from whatever we have been doing that day and don’t even walk her. My parents aren’t necessarily dog people, but really like her as she was well trained. With her rolling back on a training a bit, it starting to inconvenience them. They’ve attempted to make changes here and there to how they naturally do stuff but inevitably, I feel awful asking them to change the way they do X,Y and Z when they’ve generously opened their doors to us and have been nothing but accommodating.

Is there anything we can do to provide stability? There are days my partner isn’t sure what time he will finish, my parents work late, and my education schedule is irregular- when I am home my focus tends to be on our baby, studying & getting chores done.

I feel really bad, especially for my partner. He’s had her longer than we have been together and the thought of even rehoming crossing his mind makes me feel guilty and I know he could possibly resent me for it. I’m just at such a loss of what to do, I worry that she will be depressed and the problems will just grow exponentially.