How to capture calm with a pup who’s never calm?


New member
We’re almost 10 months old now and I can count on 1 finger the number of non-enforced voluntary naps/settled we’ve had. I’ve read about capturing calm, but obviously that doesn’t work for us because there is no calm to capture (kikopup?). So, then we moved to the method where we have him lay down and then give a bunch of treats, and then if he breaks and goes back to laying down he gets a few more (Susan clothier?), but even then we get elbows on the ground but never a head on the ground. Never a true lay down, and never going back to it. So today we tried behavioral down, where they’re on a short lead and you ignore everything until they have 2 lay downs which we attempted for 45 minutes today and got 0 lay downs.

For reference, he’s a French Bulldog who is crated for 4 hours, then we pay someone to come play with him for a half hour, then crated 4 more hours. He gets 2 meals a day fed in toys for enrichment (we have an orbee, a kong gyro, a king wobbler and a toppl) we take a 30-40 minute walk (slow with sniffing) most days, we have a flirt pole that we play with for 1-3 x 10 minute sessions per day. We also have a backyard that he does zoomies in and we’ll occasionally do some sniffing stuff indoors like the shell game or treat hide and seek or give him a cardboard box to tear up.

At this point I don’t know if he’s under-stimulated from the crate or overstimulated from all the stuff I’m trying to do to tire him out. Now in adolescence he gets so bitey for attention if we’re not giving it to him so I know we have to teach settle/be bored. But I’m out of ideas.