How old is my puppy according to teeth development???


New member
So, my puppy was rescued at about mid September and theoretically, he was about a month old. I got him mid November which would make him about two months old and he would be around 4 months and a bit by now. What keeps me awake is that I have asked several vets about how old he is and have been given different opinions (one told me the week I got him, mid November, that he might be 4 months old and another one, told me in December that he was 2 months old - BIG DIFFERENCE). The ''official'' age is 4 months old but I have been looking at his teeth and the development and I think he might be a bit older.

He has his incisors coming out, just two small puppy teeth left loose and I believe they will be out by this weekend. Canines seem to still be puppy ones, I think molars are very developed and the premolars are in progress. I tried taking some pics so I'm linking them below and hope to see what you guys think, they are not the best pics cuz he doesn't stay still so sorry about that :(

Thanks a loooot!! I do love this subreddit, it helps me with the hard days.

Puppy tooth




@steve92 I feel like you can comfortably discard both extreme estimates — mathematically, he can’t have been rescued in September and only be 2 months old in December, and the upper estimate would put him at 6 months. My baby was around 5.5 months when I brought him home, although similarly another vet that saw him thought he could be as old as 7 months, and he had more teeth than your little guy. He lost his last tooth at around 6 months and his grownup teeth are still growing in, which means the lower estimate was probably correct! Based on the extensive reading I did when I was trying to date my little guy by his teeth I would guess your guy is around 4.5-5 months?

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