How often do you throw away/replace/donate certain dog items? (Long post


New member
TLDR version : I'm going through a cleanse of my dog's stuff. Checking on bowls, food storage containers, treat dispensers, toys, brushes, etc. But I don't know how to tell if any need to be thrown away, replaced or can even be donated.

• Dog bowls - I replace them if they have dents or if the steel bowls have scratches on them or they look very worn down. For the plastic or collapsible ones I just check on them to see they aren't too worn down.
(How often do you replace them? Clean or deep clean them? Can I donate them?)

• Dog leashes/collars - I tend to replace them when they smell like pure irreversible regret. Or when they just wear down from rope burning trees, my legs, the car, my patience, etc.
(is there a way to deep clean them without putting them in the washer? Should I even donated any of these? Can I keep the puppy ones bc they're so cute or is that too weird?)

• Food storage containers - I have only replaced it once for a bigger size, and give it a monthly hand wash with dishsoapy water. Others are for putting the resealable treat bags away from the nosy cat and dog.
(Should it be replaced more often? How do you know which is best in keeping the moisture out? Is sealing the plastic lid with painters tape okay? )

• Treat dispensers - Idk, I just started getting these for my dog and cat. I clean them before & after every use.
(How do you best get the drool smell out?)

•Brushes & grooming - Brushes are cleaned after use (which we rarely use since he just sheds n shakes). Toothbrushes are replaced around every 3-4 months.
(How do you get rid of the hair on the brush? efficiently I mean. Is it weird to donate dog toothbrushes to a shelter?)

• Blankets & toys - I can't get rid of them. He does this digging on the carpet thing if I get rid of anything in this category. Like a child throwing a tantrum.
(How do I get rid of the hair? The washer does nothing and I don't wanna clog the dryer. How do I detach my dog or cat out of old stuff? How often do I replace these? Are dog/cat toys even used in shelters, whenever I visit (pre-panera) I would rarely see any.)

• Any other stuff I should be checking and replacing?

• I know that cat stuff should be in another subreddit but let me sneak this in here cat litter boxes?

Sorry for the long post and for the ramble my dog saw me cleaning n he wants to deep clean his treat supply. Also I forgot clothes but some people don't like dressing their pets. Any advice or suggestions greatly appreciated.
@eques Dog bowls: donate if they’re metal and in good shape. Clean (or at least rinse well) between refills to prevent scum. Run through dishwasher to disinfect.

Leashes and collars: if they’re in good shape, try soaking them in HOT water with Dawn dish soap and baking soda. Rinse and repeat if necessary. Only donate if they aren’t frayed or still gross.

Food storage: need more specifics on what this is or looks like, but keep clean with soap and water or a regular run through the dishwasher. If it’s trapping moisture, might not be the best option for treats.

Treat dispensers: hot soap and water between uses or run through dishwasher. Throw away if cracked, damaged, or otherwise questionable.

Brushes: clean with soap and water if gross, but removing hair is usually the biggest concern here. Maybe some sanitizing spray or rubbing alcohol to disinfect if you’re worried. Try a wide tooth metal comb between brush bristles to remove hair. Wouldn’t donate.

Toothbrushes: throw away every 3-6 months depending on use. Rinse with hot water between uses. Don’t donate.

Blankets: Look for a silicone dryer fur remover or purchase a ChomChom roller on Amazon. Donate if in good condition with no holes or fraying. Replace if they get gross or damaged.

Toys: throw away if damaged or questionable for choking or hazard concerns (strings, sharp edges, torn rubber, etc). Donate depending on shelter - most places only want things like Kongs and no fuzzy/plush stuff.

Just my recommendations.
@chinyere Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Sorry if it looked like I was typing that I would donate used toothbrushes. This is the 1st time in a year I can splurge a bit on my dog and extra things for him. So I wanna buy a bit extra as backup for the year and if I find a deal, for donations.

Thank you this helps out a lot. 👍