How do you prepare a dog for a major operation if you can’t explain what’s going to happen & why? 💔


New member
Edit: Most comments are full of kindness & I’m incredibly grateful for that. I’ve been given some fantastic advice & I appreciate everyone sharing success stories — our biggest fear is that she won’t recover so hearing about other dogs who have, really helps. Those of you who have been a little bit less than kind; I wrote this when I was extremely tired & after being in hospital for a month myself earlier this year (as well as postponing being readmitted until my dog has recovered from her operation), I was struggling a lot with everything. I know she cannot understand what’s going to happen & I know that she doesn’t need to either because she’s a dog. I’m not stupid. I’m just a disabled person who has been in & out of hospital for the last decade having to deal with the fact that this time it’s Elsa that’s being admitted & not me — which is a really strange thing to get my head around. Please be kind, or just don’t bother saying anything at all.

Our darling girl is having a huge operation next week & we’re terrified. How am I supposed to make sure she knows we love her & that what’s going to happen to her is to help her when she has no way of understanding?

I know this sounds stupid but I hate that I can’t explain why we’re going to leave her at the vets, a place she doesn’t really like, & why she’ll wake up — if she does wake up — in pain & feeling strange? How can I make her understand the reason why she can’t run around & play like normal? Or why she has a cone or bodysuit on? We’ve never been through something this big before with a pet & as the days go by I’m just getting more & more worried.
@imjustwierd94 The more anxious you are the worse she will feel. Just had our GSD get emergency surgery and have a two day stay at the ER vet - be calm and confident and she'll just be happy to see you when it's all over.

Best of luck to you and her!
@loyaldad66 This exactly - the more nervous you are, she will know. Pups are excellent at visual and non-visual cues. She may have a bad couple days at the vet, which she will stop caring about as soon as she sees you. Hang in there and best of luck to you and the fur baby!
@imjustwierd94 I’m sorry for your anxiety. I recommend managing it for the sake of your girl. Your dog can sense your fear and so she’ll be in fear too. Act in control, comfort her, and she will be okay. She’ll be achy and groggy for a couple days as she recovers but soon enough, she’ll be okay, back to her normal self and she’ll forget the whole thing happened.

There is no explaining to her but you and your vet know this is likely for the best long term.
@imjustwierd94 It'll be harder on you than her! Just try to keep things normal and routine so she stays calm before her procedure.

I also talk to my dog a lot lol. Like I know he can't understand, but I always feel better if I tell him why he can't run, or why he has to wear a bootie, or why he can't eat XYZ. And after the surgery, lots of cuddles and treats! I'll admit the only time I cried was when one of my dogs had a tumor removed, and she was so brave and stoic at the vet until she saw me during pick up and started whimpering to tell me she was hurting. Took her home and spent the rest of the night with her on the couch. But they bounce back fast!
@martaaa I sat with her tonight & talked to her about what will happen — she just kept licking my face because I was crying 😂 She’s having (what we think is) a mammary tumour removed, & possibly the rest of the mammary tissue as well, plus her uterus removed, so it’s a lot for her body to cope with 💔 I’ll be sleeping downstairs with her for as long as she needs me to so that I can make sure she gets every she wants. It really helps to hear other people’s positive experiences though so thank you for taking the time to share it with me. I just really wish we didn’t have to wait a whole week!!
@jbron423 Aw thanks 🙈 I was in hospital for a month earlier this year & I had to sleep downstairs for two months after discharge & the doggo made an excellent nurse during that time so I’ve definitely got to return the favour ♥️
@imjustwierd94 Reminds me so much of when my baby boy had a splenic tumor removed. Lucky boy got steak and zuccinni dinners leading up and we sat in the car outside the vets office (covid) through the 4 hour surgury to find out that thankfully he would make it through. Just be there for her and tell her how much you love her - she knows.
@nat_alie Our girl loves fish so we’ve got a load of tuna in for her 😂 She also loves cucumber so she’s having slices of that as treats this week so that we can give her extra without her putting on too much weight 😂 We have no idea if we’ll be able to wait at the vets or not — we don’t have a car so we’re expecting to have to go home & wait, which will be really hard. I’d set up a tent in the car park if they’d let me lol.
@nat_alie When she was younger she loved carrots too but she’s gone off them a bit now 😂 She loves a bit of bell pepper, although we don’t give it to her very often aha. That’s what we’re thinking with the cucumber! The fact that it’s water should mean she won’t put on extra weight before surgery so she can have as much as she likes aha. She’s eaten a whole one before 😂