How Do You Help Your Dog Cope with Fireworks-Related Stress? (Welfare & Behavioural Research)


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Hi everyone!

I am a Master’s student of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Hartpury University. Currently, my research is centred around the impact that Fireworks can have on animals, and is exploring the different enrichment methods owners use to mitigate their pet’s stress during Bonfire Night in the UK. This will explore which methods are most common, the owner’s understanding behind why they believe these methods have an effect, and the common stress behaviours that are exhibited on this occasion. There are two separate questionnaires: one focused on cats and one focused on dogs.

Despite being acknowledged as a growing concern for animal welfare in the UK and an annual occurrence, there is a lack of research into how the British Public tries to help their pets cope with this occasion, and also into the effect of Fireworks on animals in general. Moreover, there isn’t a universal solution on how best to deal with the issue, and depending upon the veterinary practice or institution, only minimal abstract guidance may be offered. Subsequently, a questionnaire study into which methods are most favoured by the public, and which methods are deemed most successful in reducing stress, may offer a deeper insight into the public’s perception behind stress treatments, and broaden awareness to other possible options.

To gain any generalisable results from this study, I require the sample to be as large as possible with data from a variety of breeds. Your participation would be extremely beneficial in helping us to better understand how best to help our pets during stressful times.

This questionnaire is anonymous (using a six-digit code based on your surname and date of birth) and entirely voluntary, and can take up to 20 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your participation, there is also a raffle draw to win a £10 Amazon Gift Voucher (however, this isn’t compulsory if you don’t wish to be entered).

All relevant information like: how the data will be stored and disposed of, how anonymity is ensured, voluntary informed consent, the risks & benefits of participation and the designated point of withdrawal are all explained in the first page of the questionnaire.

This is the link to the questionnaire for dogs:

(And if you have cats too, this is the link to the questionnaire for cats:

If you have several dogs, please answer the questionnaire with regards to one of them.

Thank you for considering my request, and for participating if you do!
@autumnheart I apologise, that's correct! This is focused on the British Public and specifically the event of Bonfire Night. Whilst it does state this on the questionnaire's introductory statement, I will make sure to also include it here on reddit to remove any confusion. Thank you!

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