How do I get my 4 month old pup to stop getting aggressive and biting when we don’t let him do something he wants to do?

@kourtnee_love I’ve read that this is fairly normal for dogs 4-7 months old because of teething. If it is teething related, then you need to give him something to chew on all day long. I’ve read that soft treats stuffed into a Kong toy and then frozen lasts a while.

If it’s not teething related then the next question is are you giving him enough exercise? Pups have a lot of energy and if they aren’t using it all up then they can turn to biting things out of frustration and pent up energy.

I’m not a trainer so please take this with a grain of salt. Good luck!
@kourtnee_love Your pup isnt lashing out, they just dont know how to act because theyre babies and you havent taught them the right behaviour. A toddler doesnt instinctively have table manners, they have to be taught.

Puppies are very mouthy and express themselves through biting. You have to teach them boundaries, bite inhibition and an alternative behavior.

Starting training young on things like impulse control through stay or leave it are a great starting point. If your puppy is getting bitey and wild then its probably time for a time out for a few minutes.

Use lots of treats during the puppy stages to get them to show the behavior you want to see. And eventually after they grow up a little and consistent training they should calm down.
@kourtnee_love You need to bring down his level of frustration, preferably before he gets to that point. Give him alternatives, don't leave out a bunch of stuff and expect him not to touch, offer him trades etc...
@kourtnee_love First, is he getting enough sleep? Puppies need 18-20 hours per day. They are like toddlers and get cranky when they are tired, but cannot self regulate and put themselves to sleep.

Next, figure out what the need is underlying the behavior and give your dog an alternative behavior that meets that need. If you were in a foreign country and didn’t speak the language and you were trying to get something you needed, you’d be pretty frustrated if people just kept yelling at you.
@chipsj15 First, I have no clue how to make this little man sleep for 18-20 hours a DAY, we’ll go on walks and play fetch but that doesn’t seem to do anything for him, he’ll sleep for maybe 2 hours MAX then be rambunctious for another 3-4 hours afterwards and I think I’m giving him the activity level he needs as a border.
Second, I do give him very similar alternatives, if he wants to bite my arm or ankles I’ll give him a bunch of teething toys, but seems to just prefer my arm to bite
@fleetwood95 I’ve put him in a crate, with everything everyone has recommended me to do to make him comfortable and safe and I’d come home after an hour with him in there and he’s still crying, I’ve done everything to do with crate training with him and he goes in on his own, just no luck with him settling down in there during the day
@kourtnee_love Lots of good advice here, but let me just caution you (and release you from guilt) that with plenty of puppies, you can do everything right and still have your puppy be a goddamn baby shark until his teeth transition at 5 months or so.

I've only had gentle breeds (labradoodles, goldendoodles), who are the most sedate, non-reactive, sweet dogs. And they've still been biting assholes the first bunch of months...and then it just stops. You really can't train them not to bite until they're 5 months old, in my experience - until then, you have to just survive it (and obviously don't encourage it or give them a chance to consistently practice the unwanted behavior). Once those adult teeth come in, you can start training them in earnest not to ever put their teeth on your skin. What finally worked with our most recent puppy was to just set up our empty dining room with baby gates and accept that he would spend most of his day in there, in between short playtimes and walks. The ability to take the biting monster and put him in what is essentially a giant pen was a lifesaver.

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