How do I approach a dog owner with a problem only I'm hearing?


New member
I've lived in my condo for several years now next to a couple, ~10-15 years older than me, who own two dogs. Admittedly, I haven't done my due diligence of actually introducing myself and starting any sort of acquaintance with them, but I've observed the basics of their day-to-day habits. Both of them work outside their home and leave their dogs alone for most of the day starting around 7am. Here's where the problem starts.

Starting at 7am these dogs start barking. I don't know if it's an anxiety thing, or if one dog is getting the other excited and they're feeding off of each other's energy. All I know is that whenever the owners leave the house, the dogs start barking and they don't stop until the owners return. Near as I can tell, the dogs are absolutely fine when the owners are home, and this couple seem like really good dog owners, not verbally or physically abusive. I work outside the home as well, but my wife has been working from home for the last 2-3 years and she's dealt with it by turning on fans or playing music, anything to drown these dogs out.

I've always held that it's none of my business how our neighbors choose to care for their pets, but I can't help but wonder if there's something I can do as a neighbor to make it so that these dogs aren't barking all day. I'm no veterinarian, but that can't be healthy for them to be that agitated for hours on end.

And so I ask r/dogowners, how would you want a neighbor to approach you with this type of situation, if you were in this couple's shoes? Should I just stop worrying about it because it's none of my business?