House Breaking Regression


New member
Hi! We got our puppy back in August, right before I started student teaching. After I graduated in mid December, I took a month and a half off before finding a job so that I could house break our puppy. It went so well, he was fully house broken by the second week of February and I felt super confident about starting work. Now that I’ve started (as of 2/12) working, my dog has gone on strike. He has started peeing and pooping in the house again. He is crated during the day from about 8 am-3 pm until my partner gets home. We take him out twice in the morning (5:30 am and 7:30 am) and then as soon as my boyfriend gets home. Most of the time he is super stubborn about either peeing or pooping, sometimes both. I’m at a loss. He is back to having multiple accidents a day in the house regardless of taking him out every few hours and following what we thought was his routine. I feel awful crating him after we are home, but if we bring him out after being in the crate for 7 hours and he doesn’t go, he will go soon after we come back in so we feel like it’s the only option. He used to be so predictable, but it feels like we are back at square one. As much as I’d love to be a stay at home dog mom it is not an option Lol. He’ll be 1 in June so really trying to get him on the right track! Thanks in advance for any advice for my stubborn pupper.

just took him out 15 minutes ago for his before bed potty, only peed and he just pooped on the bed.
@eliquinn There's a lot of reasons this could happen. Can you provide more info related to the questions below?

Is he having accidents in his crate when you're away? Or just when you're home?

Have you noticed any preferences related to where he might prefer to potty outside? One of my dogs prefers to go on a walk vs. in our yard. They both prefer grass to pavement. Any preferences like that you've noticed?

What worked for potty training when he was successful?

What happens after he goes to the bathroom outside? Does he get to hangout outside for a bit or do you go right back inside?

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