Help with my girl


New member
I know this is a long shot, but I would love some insight. My girl is 13. She is my everything.

She has a grade 5 heart murmur, and slight cataracts.

The problem I’m having with her is that although I have spent thousands on tests in the last few weeks we cannot figure out why she is having issues urinating. We have done blood work, x-rays, urinalysis, deworming, medications.

She is struggling so much. She pants throughout the day and is constantly licking herself. She’s been urinating in the house which has never been an issue before. I would do anything to help her feel better.
@manofthecloth My vet explained to me that by the time they are showing symptoms, it's generally late stage. Sometimes the most compassionate thing we can do is say goodbye. All the best to you, don't let a vet override your best judgement. There is always a test to run.
@manofthecloth This may be a long shot, but I have a couple of older cats who occasionally seem to have trouble urinating - when it happens they seem to try to go pee all the time, but only produce a drop or two, and then they lick themselves all the time, and seem uncomfortable.

What I think is happening, is their bladders / urinary tracts are irritated and they just THINK thy need to go, and possibly they feel discomfort.

So, I give them human grade d-mannose (ClearTract), and usually, one or two doses clear it up and they're happy again. In other words, it helps them within a couple of hours.

You can google d-mannose for dogs and decide for yourself if it can help her. D-mannose is a sugar that is naturally found in fruits, so it's safe to try - UNLESS your dog has kidney trouble.

If it helps, great. If not, you're only out about $18 for the pill bottle.

If you decide to try it, google the amount that's suitable for your dog; my 7-8 pound cats only get about half a capsule mixed with water and squirted in their mouths.
@manofthecloth Is she aware she is urinating? Like does she go around posturing to urinate or is there urine when she gets up, or she's dribbling as she walks around?

They can have problems with incontinence, and the leaking urine can make them lick themselves more.

There are cancers that affect the bladder and urinary system so it's good your going to have the ultrasound.

Hope the vets can figure it out soon
@bubble5 Yes, she goes into the posture and the majority of the time there is at least some urine after. This has been going on for about a month.

They initially gave her an antibiotic shot as they couldn’t get a sample from her. They also did her blood work which came out normal. Her X-Ray was also normal. The doctor was more concerned about her heart at the time as she went from a grade 2 murmur to a 5 within two years, so we also started her on pimobendan.

We went back two weeks later as she was still having issues, I brought a sample from home but apparently it was contaminated. They were able to get another sample and it came back normal. So they sent another sample off to get a culture. In the meantime they had me give her more antibiotics and an antihistamine that also is an anti inflammatory. She seemed a little better through this, but still not normal.

It took almost 2 weeks to get the culture back, which was normal as well. So now we’re waiting for the ultrasound appointment, soonest they could get her in was the 30th.

Today she actually seems like she’s feeling normal. Drinking and eating, and no accidents inside today. But she still is frequently squatting outside. Not constantly licking like she was yesterday.
@manofthecloth My last dog had transitional cell carcinoma; transitional cells are the stretchy cells that line the urinary system. She would posture without producing much, and have similar symptoms cause there was a mass in her bladder. I hope it's not cancer for your pup but I mention this because it's possible for the mass to obstruct the urethra. It was one of the things the oncologist stressed was to make sure she was producing urine when she postured cause it's an emergency is she can not.

Good luck, hope it's something that can be dealt with and she can get back to normal.
@bubble5 If anyone wanted an update for my girl, this is what we ended up finding out. Transitional cell carcinoma, and a few cells on her liver as well. She passed about a month after my post. She was the goodest girl. Cancer sucks.