Help with dog reactivity


New member
I got a foster dog a couple months ago and in the past couple weeks I officially adopted her. In case it’s relevant, she’s a 4 year-old chihuahua x dachshund mix. The organization we got her from is a non-profit group that rescues dogs from kill shelters, so its possible she has a bad past with dogs though she’s pretty decent with humans.

She enjoys looking out the window a lot of the day and frequently barks at people walking by. I’m not really bothered by this to be honest, I just figured it’s a dog thing.

But when she sees another dog, even from a couple streets away, she goes insane. Literally turns into another dog, barking the loudest she can possibly go. It sounds like she’s dying or something, I don’t know how to describe it. I’ve just been closing the curtains the stop her but she just now bit me after doing that… It wasn’t super hard but I did feel it and I don’t want to be scared of her.

How do I go about stopping this behaviour? Should I put her in her kennel until she calms down? I don’t want to make her associate the kennel with punishment though. I’ve tried saying her name and squeaking her toys to get her attention but her mind goes completely blank to her surroundings and is hyper focused on the dog she’s barking at.

If there’s any more information that you need, please ask! I don’t post frequently so it’s likely I’m forgetting to say something.

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