Help with career college paper


New member
Hello I was hoping someone who has been in the grooming field for at least 3 years could help me with my college assignment. I need to write a paper regarding why I am interested in this career along with the following interview questions being answered.( If you also happen to own your own dog grooming business it would be amazing if you could also help me know how to open my own since that's my goal. )This is very much appreciated!!!!
  1. I know that you [spent ten years at X before this,] but how did you start out in [this industry]?
  2. Is there something you wish you’d known or a skill you wish you’d had starting out in [this industry]? Or Is there something you wish you had done differently starting out?
3.What’s the culture like at [this company] compared to [prior company]?
  1. What’s your biggest challenge in this role?
  2. What do you dislike about this company?
  3. How does my experience stack up to others applying for [X level positions]?
  4. What type of personalities fit in best at your company?
  5. What is the best way to get my foot in the door here?
  6. Is there anyone else you think I should speak to?
@nanncy Groomer for three years. Started with Petsmart for 1.5 years, left and was an independent contractor for 1 year, and am now back with Petsmart.
  1. Previously I worked for a doggy daycare, at an SPCA, and then went to Petsmart and was hired as a bather. Petsmart did my training (4 week academy, and then 100 dogs under my manager's supervision)
  2. Having experience handling cats amd dogs, I was prepared for grooming. I wish I had known had rough it was on my body. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and constsnd shoulder/back pain. I'm 24. Too young to feel like this!
  3. Petsmart is a wild place to work. It's so busy one week, and then extremely slow the next. You're sharing a small working space with up to nine other people, all with their own agenda and priorities. As a contractor, I was working alone. It was nice because my only task was to focus on the dogs. I was less stressed and genuinely enjoyed grooming. I went back to Petsmart for more money, and also because I was misclassified and therefore paying too much in taxes.
  4. My biggest challenge is patience with the dogs, coworkers, and customers. It's easy to get irritated and stay irritated.
  5. I dislike the hours, the absolute chaos of the salon during busy times -- stressful for groomers and pets, I dislike all the additional duties added to my job description; I'm here to groom, not be a salesperson, photographer, secretary.
  6. I think my experience is pretty common. Most people start with little to some experience with dogs, are hired as bathers, become groomers.
  7. The best personality for a groomer is someone who will stand up for themselves. We are largely a group of friendly, compassionate, loud, opinionated, and feisty people. Salons are suffocatingly emotional at times. We laugh, joke, fight, and bicker like a family. If you're soft spoken, you'll get walked all over by customers and at least a few groomers.
  8. Apply. Petsmart, Petco, or grooming school.
  9. Go to your local private groomer and see if they'll let you observe. A lot of people get turned off by how gross the job is. Matted dogs, neglected dogs, injured dogs, anal glands, poop, per, vomit.. You'll see it all as a groomer!
Sorry for typos. I'm on mobile. Good luck!

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