Help with a crate and separation anxiety! (xpost from r/pets)


New member
Hello all. So I am having some issues with my dog. There is a short term issue and a long term issue.

Background: I adopted my dog (Beagle/Basset Hound) 3 years ago from a local humane society. He was found behind a convenience store. He was taken in and recovered at the shelter where I adopted him. I think he was beaten and neglected by his last family because any time I raise my voice to him, he cowers and hides. Also, if he is alone for more than a half hour or 45 minutes, he starts to panic.

Short Term Problem: I need a new crate because he has chewed through his second crate. Does anyone have any recommendation on strong crates that he will not be able to chew through?

Long Term Problem: The separation anxiety is getting out of hand. He literally almost scratched through my door when he escaped his crate. I just want to find a way to make him comfortable and have him know everything is going to be ok.

Any help?
@chrissyboy So far I've been to the vet and they gave him antianxiety medication that doesn't see to helping at all and the humane society did basic obedience. We make him sit or lay for food, but not much other than that.