Help with 2 Year Old Lab


New member
Hi all! We are getting a 2 year old lab in a few weeks and want to prepare as much as possible. The lab is a retired stud and has only lived in a barn and outside his whole life so we are wanting to make his transition into a home as positive as possible. What good tips do you have to make sure he can be potty trained and to not chew on furniture, etc while we are gone? We have a dog door into a fenced in backyard. Thank you in advance?
@spreadtruth I’d get a “pee here” spray to put outside when he comes home. And definitely get him fixed. I had a stud male cat and he attacked me pretty bad till he got fixed. Then he was the best cat I ever had. Get lots of toys incase he is an anxious chewer but make sure they won’t fray or break off pieces. (Superchewer box) bark box has a really good selection on toys. Hope this helps some!

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