Help! When would my dog give birth ?


New member
My female chihuahua was studded to a male on June 28th, they didn’t lock at all that day and only had slip matings, so I decided to keep the male another day, June 29th they didn’t tie at all this day either they only had 1 slip tie, June 30th!! They locked the morning of the 30th!! I was going to let the male go home that day but his owners requested we keep him for a little longer as they were out of town, I had them separated by a baby gate so we wouldn’t have a huge gap between the due dates but somehow July 3rd my female managed to jump the gate and they tied together again. Which day would she be most likely to deliver on? Or would she deliver on the day she had her last mating on? I want to make sure so I can have all the supplies I need by the time she’s having babies!! Please inform me if anyone knows!
@amyser 63 days gestation, but post mating could be 63-70 days (depending on how long sperm is finding its way around), you should get a scan or xray (at a vet practice not with someone that does a bit of scanning) to find out how many puppies, if she only has one she may not go into labour (it will also make progesterone testing less accurate) but to give you a clue when it will happen Progesterone Testing leading up to due date of first mating and beyond.

What you should really do is go and discuss this with the vet you plan on using if an emergency were to occur as they will know more than everyone on reddit (not saying people on reddit don't know anything, but a proper vet visit would be better)

(Reading other comments you have a vet and experienced breeder on standby, which is great, but tbh it's probably best to ask them?)
@amyser Get yourself the Myra Savant Harris books on Canine Reproduction (3 of them) so you are prepared. They will help you answer lots of these questions and prepare you for what can go wrong so you know when to go to the vet and how to help your b* tch through the whelping process. If you had and read the books, you would not be asking Reddit users things you should know prior to breeding a dog. Start educating yourself now so you know when to start taking your b*itch's temperature to determine when she will go into labor, what supplies to have on hand, and how to assist your dog, etc. Good luck with this litter but please start reading and not using the internet to get answers as some of the above answers are not correct.

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