HELP - Puppy whining and laying down during walks

I really need help

About a month ago I got a puppy and he is now 10 weeks. I went to the vet yesterday for his first vaccines. Everything went well he is in good health, didn't have any side effect from the vaccines or anything.
So I started to take him for walks around my neighborhood this morning. Before that I was walking him in my backyard (for 3 weeks almost 4) because I was scared he would get something (disease, bacteria or anything else) because he was not vaccinated (that might sounds stupid but as he is my first dog I am being very careful). Also because I just got him and wanted him to get used to the leash, me and to learn new commands etc.

So today, after he ate, as I said I first started to take him for a walk around my neighborhood. The first walk was very good! He was curious, going everywhere, he did his businesses, he was happy. He even went to the post man and said hi. We went all around the neighborhood and came back (about 7 minutes) without a problem.

After that I took him later in the day for the 2nd walk around the neighborhood, I tried a different way this time. One of my neighbour's dog was outside (the owner was next to the dog chilling) saw my dog and started to bark in distance and all of a sudden my puppy was focused on him and as I was trying to distract him and tell him to follow me, he started to whine. I was confused so I tried to go anyways but the walk wasn't as smooth as the first time, he started to lay on the ground, slightly whining etc. We were just a 2 houses away so I just did an about-turn and told him we were going back home, he started to walk again and I ended the walk in my backyard. There he was happy, running around just like he used to before I was walking him in the neighborhood.

Following those two walks I just proceeded to take him in the backyard because I told myself: maybe I went too fast, maybe he didn't like the place I took him the 2nd time, maybe he got scared of the dog in distance (he saw 2 dogs at the vet yesterday and he didn't show any signs of fear, he was playful, curious and happy with them so it's not like he was scared of dogs to begin with)
Then as I was gonna take him to the backyard he naturally went to the neighborhood so I told myself "maybe he is okay now, I will let him do what he wants to do" so I started to take for a walk, same way as the first walk. He walked one home away form mine, did his number two and then started to cry (whine), tail in-between the paws, ears behind, pulling the leash like crazy trying to go into my neighbours's houses (lol). I was constantly carrying him on the other side (opposite to my neighbours houses) like some kind of a reset and he ended up laying on the grass and stopped moving. I was encouraging him to come, I was lightly pulling on the leash..nothing worked he just stayed there and occasionally trying to pull on the leash to go to my neighbours house. And as soon as I was retaining him from doing it he was back laying on the ground... I ended up carrying him back to my house and as soon as he saw my house he started to move as if he wanted to be down so I putted him down and started to run and pull on the leash to go back to my house.

Soooo, there is no doubt that he is scared (probably from the neighborhood itself: new noises and sounds, new smells etc). I can't figure out by what exactly.

I'd like to specify:
  • it happens almost everytime that he lays down in my backyard whenever he is done doing his business. I cannot get him to stand and walk again unless I carry him and put him on his paws myself (and even then sometimes he just lays down again a few meters away)
  • as mentioned I just went to the vet he is fine and in good health
  • he often pulls on the leash when we are walking in my backyard but I have way more control over him, and he stops pulling.
  • I'm in a very calm and residential neighborhood
  • he already saw other dogs at the vet yesterday and everything was fine.
I want to know what are your tips and tricks to get him used to that or especially to get him to walk whenever he lays down??
And also if you have any ideas on what could be the explanation for his behavior, let me know please.

He is my first dog and I just want to do everything I can to make him feel comfortable and loved. There is lots of stuff that I don't know yet on how to take care of a dog so please don't be too hard on me, I am trying my best.

Thank you!
@newchristianglenn Well please let me know if you get a good answer! My 2yr Maltipoo will only walk for about 5 minutes, before pulling me to go home!
But if my hubby and i walker her together.. she will walk with no problems!
My trainer said it was due to the fact she felt safer with larger numbers..
We have not been able to get her to this action😞.
@lena_the_lena Tha k you for your comment. Made me feel better to know I was not alone in that situation lol. It could be stressful when it's your first dog. Also, I am sorry to know that it's happening to you! :/
On my side things got better. I truly think it's a puppy thing, they're naturally very fearful at first (well some of them, I guess it depends on their personality) because they're experiencing stuff for the first time right? New noises, new smells etc. My puppy is now 4 month and he is doing way better, I'm trying to get him used to loud environments (but for short periods of time like 20 minutes or so) like crowdy events etc.
They surely need lots of reassurance wherever you're going with them. Patience is the key, I guess.
He is still is very fearful sometimes but eventually gets comfortable with his environment.
I hope everything got better on your side ? Let me know :)
@newchristianglenn Im soo happy to hear things got better for you, honestly!! Having a puppy is no joke and takes a lot of time and patience… but nothing compares to seeing ur baby grow up!
And yea, its all about the new experiences and providing the treat/good Girl pat when they respond positively to the new noises and environment, thats what we did with ours, but she is a work in progress!

Mine is still a lovable punk!! She much better in crowded places, as long as no one tries to touch her😉, she can go anywhere ( market, restaurants and even vacations) with us!
She still has her issues with walking with one person and we tried what the trainers last suggestion of starting out from the door to the walkway.. to the parking.. to the sidewalk and so on, in a very slow manner. I work from home, so i have tried it during my lunch time.. still nope!
She gets overly stressed and any little noice (trash truck, UPS/mailman or even people coming out of their cars!)causes her to have “whale eyes” and u can tell she is super scared. The trainer told us that if we saw that, to make our way home.
She doesn’t react like this when the two of us are walking her.
Poor thing is currently dealing we the heat, she cant stand it, we even asked the groomers to make her hair shorter than usual so she would not over heat… my son says she looks like a white rat😂🤣 but she is a cool white rat😉.
Tahbks for checking in!! Really appreciate it!