help please with my student dog


New member
my dog hazel is a great listener except when she's aroused/ rly excited. she has been mounting my other dog and growling recently. but today she tried to pick her up and wouldn't let go of her neck and was shaking her around. my other dog barely fought back besides some snapping. i'm in dog training school but we aren't at this part of it yet and today was terrifying. please let me know if u have any ideas i should use :(
@gtthareborn How scary!

Separate these dogs immediately with 2 barriers at all times (crate + closed door, baby gate + close door, baby gate + tether, etc). Grabbing, holding and shaking another dog by the neck is extremely concerning. She very well could’ve gone for the kill.

Check r/reactivedogs for their info section on how to hire a professional. This goes beyond average training. It’s likely these dogs won’t be able to coexist in the same home even with intensive management and training.

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