[Help] my pup is allergic to everything! Looking for tips on raw food diet and allergies. I am O V E R W H E L M E D!


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My pup is a 9 month, 72 lb. Weimaraner/Vizsla mix — just a big, little boy! He has suffered allergies (we suffered with him) for months. Constant diarrhea, bumps alllllll over his body (hives) and just overall discomfort and pup in constant pain. After countless vet visits, paying big bucks for vet prescribed food and elimination diets, we (sort of) now know some of his allergies— well at least the main ones. Salmon and poultry (turkey, chicken). In Canada, our selection isn’t as good as the US for limited ingredient diets. Even the limited ingredient diets have salmon oil in them. It’s beyond frustrating. We have him on Ultra Venison and Sweet Potato and on the second bag now (about a month and a half ago). We thought we found success but wait!!! no!!! what’s that on his head, hives!? Again? From what? We are really controlling what he eats so what could it be?? Oh then we think, can it be that TINY piece of chicken he snatched off the counter that we ripped out of his mouth and he didn’t even eat? But for two weeks hives on his head? Is that it?? Anyway, you get the point it’s just terribly stressful, and really really hard to figure out what’s triggering these bumps.

So background story (and vent) done... just wondering if anyone has good resources on a raw diet. I bought some patties once, the bag cost me $40 and lasted for one day. I had to give him 27 patties and there were like 35 in the bag. Is that the kind of money some people are paying on their big dogs? What’s the average cost per month? Any tips or help to break it down would be very very very VERY much appreciated.
@pedroecamachoch Did you consider she may be allergic to something environmental ? Like grass? My dog breaks out in hives after rolling in grass. Also, one flea bite will trigger an outbreak. It took a while but I have a bathing routine that clears her up in about 4 days. (will share if you’re interested.)
@busywriting That would be amazing, please do. How did you realize it was grass? Did you take your dog in for allergy testing? Also, how long do the hives usually last after exposure? That’s one thing that’s really hard to pin down on whether it’s environmental vs food I’ve given him (or given to him — like at the park yesterday a lady gave him a chicken treat while he was already broken out in hives)
@pedroecamachoch It could be corn. The routine I do when she breaks out is mixing 1/2 t-fal ( any coal tar dandruff shampoo with 1/2 sulfur shampoo. After letting it sit and scrubbing her with a soft brush I use about a tsp. of hydrogen peroxide and work it into the lather. I rinse her quickly afterwards. Then take a small amount of tea tree oil and rub it on and rinse again. I’m sure some people may find something wrong with this but it works for me. Also in between baths I’ll use an anti fungal foot powder. That helps with itching and drying it up. Baby antihistamine also helps. The liquid kind.( it’s red). She’s been to the vet tons and we’ve never been able to identify any food allergies. So I’m positive it’s environmental with her. A single flea bite will trigger it. I keep her on a long term flea preventative. She will still break out occasionally but if I get on top of it and bath her everyday it won’t progress. She can get absolutely stinky and miserable behind it. I’ve used shampoo from the vet, ordered almost every type of specialized shampoo and none work as well as the mixture I make. I go after the itch and any fungus or bacteria. It think fungus has a lot to do with it after the initial rash sets in. Hang in there I know it’s hard watching your animal suffer. The antihistamine really helps immediately.
@busywriting Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I may try this out! (I wondered about corn too and isolated it but seemed fine). The bumps are gone now. Must have been the tiny tiny piece of chicken it’s nuts!
@busywriting Mmm I wouldn’t say they wash away. More like bumps. when he was younger they looked like pimples, now with the winter coat it’s harder to see but just look like bumps all over his fur.
@pedroecamachoch The only resource you should turn to for any kind of homemade diet is a board certified veterinary nutritionist. There have been studies that show 70% of recipes from lay sources (books, forums, articles, etc) are nutritionally unbalanced/deficient. There is another study that showed even when a vet nutritionist created a balanced diet initially, over time the majority of owners deviated from the recipe in ways that created nutritional deficiencies/unbalance. That happened even though every owner thought they were still feeding the original correct recipe. So, it is crucial to consult with a vet nutritionist and then you have to stick to the recipe like it is your religion and be extremely vigilant about not deviating. There is no documented scientific benefit to feeding raw versus cooked homemade food, although anecdotes abound, but there is documented increased risk of spreading food borne illnesses to humans.
@pedroecamachoch I had similar problems with my dog. Fed him raw, out of desperation, for many years. 2lb of meat/day (anything but poultry). Then for life reasons really needed to find a kibble to feed him. Tried a zillion of them. Finally found ONE that suits him..... Royal Canin Single Protein (Venison) Prescription diet. Good luck! I know how frustrating this is to trouble-shoot!!!
@pedroecamachoch Id figure out the math about which nutrients, oils, minerals etc is appropriate for the dogs weight and then check to see which class of meats is the cheapest and most ergonomic inyour area (butcher, farmers, etc)

Because ur dog has so many allergies id really try to work this out with a vet and a nutritionist as you create the meal prep to avoid any unwanted rxns or nutritional deficiencies

Id also personally invest in a meat/bone grinder. Im getting one for the holidays to save so much more to make my dogs raw/ slightly cooked meals (so you can mix in bone, organs, meats, fish, whatever!!)

If anything... Check on r/rawpetfood for more tips and inspo