(Help) My dog might have eaten a razor


New member
I am currently panicking and would like any advice. I very stupidly forgot to close the bathroom door and my dog must’ve entered and taken a razor. I found the entire razor broken on the floor with 2 blades (out of what I assume - three). I spent all night searching the house for a 3rd blade but could not find anything and I assumed he might’ve eaten it. I took him to the vet when they opened this morning and they did check-ups and said he’s fine (no scratches on his tongue, gums, and he’s not in pain) but they did do an x-ray anyways. In the x-ray they saw a foreign object but they said it could not have been a razor as it’s much smaller than a blade and also it’s not completely vertical. So he must’ve eaten something else or he broke the blade and only ate a small part (but that would mean I’d find at least any part of the third blade which I can’t even after vacuuming/wiping down all the floors). They also said he had no gas which apparently if there’s any injury the area would be filled with gas. At the end they said they told me to keep an eye out in case he poops/coughs up blood and take him to the emergency vet if that’s the case. They also recommended I come back in a few days and do another x-ray.

Has anyone been in that situation? What would you recommend? X-Rays cost a fortune and I don’t know if I should go for a second or just keep an eye out for the symptoms. If there’s no other way to figure out if he ate the blade then it’s okay I’ll definitely take him for another x-Ray but I don’t want it to be a waste. He’s very hyper and has a big appetite so I think he’s fine (I hope so) but I don’t want anything to happen to him. Can’t believe all this happened just after being out of my eye-sight for a few minutes. Definitely never leaving any doors open again.
@misunderstood4 You did the right thing!! You took him to the vet and you did an x-ray. I would just monitor the situation and check his poo for any blood.
Also, don’t beat yourself up for having left the door open. Something like this can happen anywhere anytime. My dog swallowed my airpod once.
@jurisdoctor Thank you!! It always feels frustrating at the beginning how a tiny mistake might potentially be so damaging. My AirPods were also a victim a few years back but he just broke them and left me to pick up the pieces😭
@misunderstood4 Ex vet tech...once worked on a dog that had eaten a bunch of razors. We had to do an ex lap and retrieve them all. He was fine.

You did absolutely the right thing by taking him in and getting the X-ray. Monitor your dog closely for a few days, watch his eating and pooping. Anything out of the ordinary for your dog, give your vet a call.

Likelihood is, he'll be absolutely fine. May not have eaten the blade at all - are you positive there were 3 blades?

I would swallow the cost and get the second X-ray, just for peace of mind, but that's just me. I'm sure your dog will be ok ☺️
@gracebro Ah that’s such a relief to hear! Knowing myself I’m probably going to end up heading for another x-ray just to ease my anxiety lol especially after going down a spiral in researching and finding out the small tears might take sooo much time to figure out so better safe than sorry I guess.
@misunderstood4 Whenever my dog eats something weird but not actively life threatening, I feed her a bunch canned pumpkin and white rice just to help push everything through the GI tract and help pad it on the way out. That and I put some meat juice (or whatever else your dog might love) in her water to encourage lots of hydration.
@misunderstood4 My dog destroyed a crock pot and licked the pieces clean, chewed up a coffee maker stomping around on the broken carafe, chew tin cans and ate innumerable bone shards. Never had an issue. Next time if you find most of the pieces immediately feed them a couples slices of bread. It’ll bulk up their stomach and make them more likely to pass shards safely.
@misunderstood4 Try checking his bed or where he usually hangs out. My puppy once got hold of my vape and hid it in his bed. Not sure if he planned to smoke it or to keep me from smoking 😅 I was looking for it frantically and was about to take him to the vet when I found it
@coplin48 HAHAHA he was looking out for you I’m sure!😂 I could just imagine him watching me yesterday search every inch of the house and giggling to himself because he hid it in some bizarre place, just hoping that place isn’t his stomach😭

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