[Help] My dog had a seizure a long time ago, should I still expect seizures?


New member
I have a Dachshund Terrier mix named Lily. She is about 8 years old and I love her to bits. Seizures are absolutely terrifying for animals, so when my dog had a seizure I was extremely worried, especially considering Dachshunds are prone to spine issues (which can cause seizures.) We brought her to the vet immediately and they gave us some medicine and we left. Fortunately, that seizure was YEARS ago. Maybe 3-4 years even. She hasn't had a single seizure since which I am extremely grateful of. My only question is, should I expect seizures in the future? She had only one and she has been extremely healthy since, but I always worry about it coming back as she gets older due to the spine thing. I just don't know. On one hand she seems fine and hasn't had any medical issues in years. On the other hand she isn't getting any younger. Is it possible for a dog to have only a single seizure? Was it a fluke? If it was a lasting medical condition surely she would have had another seizure in the last four years right?

I just want to know if it is likely or not. I don't want my dog to ever go through something like that ever again. Just thinking about her when she had her seizure makes me cry. I am so scared for her you know?

Here. Are. Some. More. Pictures.
@digitalgoth Once is a one-time-incident. You do not have to expect more. If one hapoened now, it is not even a repeat with so many years in between. :)
Age is a bit naughty though, so you might see more, but now you know what they are and what to do.

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