[HELP] My dog (F, 1 yo) suddenly doesn’t want to go out anymore


New member
We live in an apartment, she is 4kg yorkie and pom mix. She is potty trained to go inside and is very good about that but in the last 1,5 week she is peeing outside her pee pad more often and she suddenly doesn’t want to go outside, she was used to going 2x a day regularly. She tries to pull us back to the house, when we try to take her out, today we decided not to force it if she doesn’t want to go. IDK if that is the correct move.

We think her heat is approaching as it’s been 6 months since her first one, so IDK if it might be related? IDK if it’s adolescence?
She used to refuse to go outside when we first got her, she is a scared dog, we take her in the times there is no one oitside so she’s got used to go outside and started liking it so the change of heart is weird.
@cutebunny First… as always, if there’s unusual behavior with your dog, ask your vet.

Dogs develop routines after just a couple iterations. Taking her back inside kinda reinforces that. She might be more willing to explore if you carry her outside her usual territory, to break the routine. Maybe bring some treats or do some training out there. You could also try giving her a meal in a nearby park, so she associates that area with good things

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