Help!! My 4 m/o puppy keeps peeing inside!


New member
He'll pee a little bit and wag his tail after while looking at the door and me to tell me he has to go. No prior signs of having to go potty.

I used to use a play pen and a pee pad from 8 to 12 weeks, but I started housetraining him without those for the past month. I would train him by (1) getting his attention as soon as I see him squat, (2) immediately taking him outside, and (3) giving him lots of praise and a treat.
@mulweli Are you taking him out consistently? My puppy is a little bit younger but I still take him out every 30-45 minutes when he is awake. He only shows very subtle signals that he needs to go so I just stay consistent with letting him out and I reward him with praise and a treat every time he goes potty outside.