Help me get a better groom as a client


New member
4mo Standard Poodle. The first 2 pics are her 1st groom which I hated. I don’t like the delineation at the ears & the blending at the neck. Next 2 photos are her today where it’s grown out some. I’m going to show her the red poodle photos for what I want- long blended topknot and ears. So should I tell her to not touch the coat at all and let it grow? Also should I have her do the v neck blending?

@mangolime17 You are wanting a 'puppy style' topknot, not an adults- just show them the photo and explain.

As for the neck blending, that was just a bad choice OR could be coat wear from using the wrong collar. Puppy coat just dissolves away on high wear areas and you'll have several more awkward months IMO.

Your dog is young, her coat is changing, and you are just learning what you like. I would simply find a good groomer that you trust and work with them to get it closer to what you prefer.

I NEVER complained about a client coming in with a list of do and don't type items.

What is frustrating is a client who doesn't know what they want.

So you are ahead of the game already here.

Be patient- it is never 100% perfect the first time.

The priority for the first few haircuts is more of a training session than actual hair cutting. That comes later when you have a mature coat that will actually hold it's shape. For now relax and let your puppy learn how to be groomed before we start splitting hairs over the results.

Could be your girl was hesitant about the dryers or the noise or the shears or the clippers and your groomer opted to make it fun rather than make it perfect.

That's exactly what you want in a puppy's first few groomings.

Just lower your expectations a tad for the next few months while your girl is still so young. Things will improve as your groomer gets a better idea of what you want, you get a better idea of what is possible, and that coat matures.
@mangolime17 I’d bring photo for reference. Puppies first haircuts can be stressful and sometimes it takes a few grooms for them to settle down. That being said the haircut isn’t always going to be perfect or exactly what you want in the start.