Help! I’m at a loss!


New member
Okay so my gf and I moved in together last January. We both had one dog. Hers: an Aussie F age 4. Mine: Pit F age 4. The transition was not easy for the both of them as her dog had been used to it being just them and mine was used to a literal forest to roam. Over time our Aussie has done well and has adjusted nicely to our new family dynamic. However, our other dog is still not transitioning well. When I’m home, her behavior is improving dramatically. From basic obedience to not getting on the bed as she pleases. But as soon as I am out that door, she is unruly. Biting our Aussie, biting my partner. The thing is though, previous to this I have never seen or heard of her acting like this. She is an all around cuddle bug who loves attention (like thrives off of it) and by the time I get home she’s back to being the dog I know. Please help me. What do I do? How can we get her used to my gf being in charge? Please no hatred. I really want to find out how to navigate this situation.

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