[Help] 3mo Boxer puppy playing too rough with 8 y/o Morkie

Our 8 y/o Morkie doesn't like playing. Our 3mo Boxer loves playing. While the boxer will be pouncing/punching, the morkie will growl and nip/bite at her face. We try to put a stop to it and were hoping the puppy would get the point from the Morkie but now the boxer is just nipping back at her.

We're one of them is actually going to bite the other one hard enough to cause damage if things get to far.

Any advice?
@stephonydburghduff i dunno how popular this sort of view is around here, but i'm personally of the opinion that it's fine to let the dogs work it out on their own.

if the morkie (wtf?) growls and snaps at the boxer, it seems fine with me, so long as they have enough room that they're not crammed down each other's throats, and that it's not escalating into full actual fights.

dogs have limited vocabulary, and growling isn't necessarily a bad thing. i say let them work it out on their own, but keep an eye on them. don't be too quick to break them up, and let the older dog set some boundaries.

i've seen a 3yo wtf akita who knows mix finally, after years of putting up with shit from the older and smaller corgie, put the corgie on the ground, violently, and pin it there for a couple of minutes. she wasn't fucking around, and set a boundary permanently that day. everything was fine after that, and the corgie got the point.

in my experience, this sort of stuff is how puppies learn boundaries, and is a good part of dog socialization.