Help! 1 y/o Foster Dog W/ odd bathroom habits


New member
We've had our 1-year-old foster dog (Terrier / Border Collie mix we think) for just over a week. We were told she was house-trained when we got her. However, that's proven to not be true. Her bathroom habits are baffling us--she will hold her pee for upwards of 12 hours a day. The first day we got her, she did not pee or poop for 24 hours. After that, she's roughly going pee every 12-16 hours and pooping maybe once a day.

Stranger is the fact that we cannot get her to pee outside. She will poop outside on walks, but will not pee. We've been on long hikes and hour-long walks and nothing...but the second we get inside, she'll run to the couch and pee on it or just simply pee on the floor. Again, this has happened every time she's peed in the past week--always right after we come inside from being outside.

I'm not sure what her past was like, but I do think she suffered some sort of abuse as she can be pretty timid and cower. Other than that, she's really playful and sweet and seems like a smart dog. We thought maybe she's used to pee pads indoors, but we got those and she will not use them either.

Any tips? PS, we are in an apartment.
@perseusomega9 Would it be possible to "trick" her into thinking you're coming inside after a long walk, and then actually run outside with her to get her to pee?

It might be habitual for her at this point to run on and pee on the couch. So, basically set her up to pee--walk as per usual, come inside, take shoes off or whatever, but then run her outside.

Dogs who are moved into new places with new people also just do weird things until they've settled a little bit.

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