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I just took my dogs to the vet and one tested positive for heartworm. We are debating on not providing treatment because we just can’t afford it right now. Just from a blood test and chest X-ray the vet quoted us for right around $700 usd. This doesn’t even start to account for the pills, shots, and vet visits for the next year.

My pup is only 5 years old and we are stuck with the next steps. I’d appreciate what everyone’s opinions are on the matter and if you have gone through the process, how much did it cost?
@luke50 Heartworm is awful - if you really can't afford to treat it please at the very least try to reach out to a rescue who works to help treat and rehome your dog.
@tjdwns1291 I agree with this. It’s torturous to the dog. Look up videos of removal on Youtube and I know you’ll do the right thing. If you can’t afford to treat it, he needs to be in a family that can. I’m sorry 😞
@chritianlivingparadise If I surrender him, he’d 100% be put down. He’s terrible with other dogs minus his brother and gets super anxious around strangers which leads to biting. He’s come so far from when I got him from the shelter as a pup but he’d definitely revert. Like I stated in other threads, we are still looking into options but surrendering him will not be on the table.
@luke50 Unfortunately you either need to treat the heartworm, surrender your dog, or euthanize them. Letting an animal suffer just isn’t acceptable.
@boatjourney I appreciate you for bringing up euthanizing him. This is one of the options on the table depending on the results of the progression of the heartworm from the blood work done today. We are absolutely still weighing our options though. I told my wife as soon as he tested HW+ that the most we should be spending on this is under 2k.
@luke50 some pet stores and even the tractor supply store offer free pet clinics once a month. you might get some help there. but you might try a care credit card that allows you to pay up front and pay it off no interest for a period of time. if you weren't using heartguard regularly, please start with your other animals. I'm sorry for your baby. best of luck.
@luke50 You are a horrible person who literally does not deserve to have a dog if you either don’t treat it or give it up to someone who will treat it. How could you let your dog suffer?