Heart patient, need your help and advice, please


New member

He is a pug 12.5 yrs old and he weighs 8.5 kgs. He is arthiritc and a heart patient, has been on diuretics for the past 6 months and since then he has lost of hind leg muscle, leading to constant falls, incoordination and being wobbly.

We have started hydrotherapy to counter this, once every 3 days.

Q- Should I add MSM and glucosamine, since he has started getting weak?

he was coughing a lot since he was 9 years of age approximately, we consulted mutiple vets- at different intervals but his condition was somehow not identified( or probably not there at the time), and was given cough syrups and antibiotics etc.

when last year in september he started coughing more that usual(a lot), and had increased heart rate, we had to rush to the vet hospital which is very far away from our place.

There it was diganosed that he had fluid build up from a slightly enlarged heart, and would need diuretics to treat the same. We were I think very late in his diagnosis as fluid build up happens at a very late stage in a heart disease.

As a result of that, currently he is on these medications-
  1. torsemide 2.5 mg x1
  2. Spinorolactone 25 mg x1
as diuretics.

Now earlier, he was fine with this dosage for 6 months, but in the past month, he started coughing again despite being on these meds, I dont want to increase these medications any further.

Since then I started reading up on this condition and found a lot about heart supplements after going through various medical journals, vet videos, reddit posts and comments, such as CoQ10 and home remedies.

Finally, this is what I have started giving him since the past week,
  1. CoQ10 (150mg x2)( I break the tablet in half it has 300 mg of ubiquinol).
I know its a lot for a 8.5 kg dog but have seen improvements and it does not have any reported side effects. The tablet also has alpha lipoic acid (100mg), Omega-3 (150mg), EPA (90 mg), DHA (60 mg).
  1. curcumin+just a little black pepper(to activate the curcumin).
  2. flaxseed powder( 1 tsp in his dinner)
  3. Hawthorn berry extract powder( 300 mg x2)
Q- also, I'm planning to sprinkle some fresh dried dandelion leaf in his food to help with the fluid build up, how much should I add?

Q- Should I also add algae based omega 3( for higher EPA values)?

He is on a low sodium home cooked veg diet(lot of veggies, low carbs, pumpkin, etc).

Q-Should I add the lacking ammino acids to him in his diet such as Taurine, L-cartinine, carnosine, argnine?

He also has eggs in winter, since in summers it is really hot as high as (48°C /118.4°F). where I live, and his stomach gives out if fed eggs in summer.


I also give him little cottage cheese for protein( I know high in fat but under strict regulation)

Q- lastly, I have also heard of pimobendan really helps, should I add it?

Your experience and advice really helps, need some encouragement to fight this out with him.

Thank you!

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