he antagonized and then called her dangerous


New member
Ugh. I hate people.

This morning, I (26 F) was out walking my 1 year old Chow Chow named Leia.

In our apartment complex, we have some nice egg chairs by the water, so I decided it would be nice on a Saturday morning to sit there with Leia and enjoy the view.

Leia was sitting very nicely at my feet for about 20 minutes, and at some point I got on the phone to chat with my mom. This whole time, the occasional owner walking their dog would pass, no issues.

Leia is reactive to people. But, not all the time. In public, she rarely barks at people — in fact, I can’t remember the last time she barked at someone in public (because of all the hard work we’ve done).

Well, I see this older man (like 50s-60s?) coming toward us, and I saw him from about 100 feet away. There are many sidewalks to take so I figured he’d turn off and continue his walk or whatever.

I was wrong. He proceeds to walk up to me with about 8-10 feet of space and starts making kissy noises and other annoying stuff that people do when they see a dog.

Naturally Leia barks, so I tell her quiet, and I tell the man not to do that because she doesn’t like it. She maybe barked four or five times during this entire interaction.

What does he say to me? “That’s a dangerous dog.”

Excuse me? You saw my dog sitting here, we’re both minding our own business (I’m literally on the phone), so you thought it was a good idea to walk up and bother us?

I proceed to say “She’s not actually, but thanks for your unsolicited opinion.”

He says nothing and starts to walk away. But before he rounds the corner to leave he turns around, stares at us, and shakes his head very obviously.

I can’t win. I know Chows get a bad rep but we’ve been working so hard with her and I just had a neighbor tell me earlier this week that she’s so well behaved. It also doesn’t help that I’m a woman by myself and I look pretty young. Pretty sure most people think i’m like a teenager living here.

Anyway, just came here to vent before I explode.

EDIT: Thanks for all your kind comments. I’ll definitely be more embracing of Leia’s guardian instinct lol. Here’s your puppy tax. You can follow her on insta here!

TLDR; some crusty white man antagonized me and my dog and then was surprised when my dog told him to f off.
@jarebearftw I don't know if it's because of their generation or a product of aging but men in their 50s and 60s are the worst for entitled bossing people around. They can't fathom that their opinion doesn't matter.
@whatismypath This is absolutely a thing. I’ve posted a separate comment here too but yes! I have a veeery different experience training our two reactive rescues in public than my male partner. Plenty of men not respecting my boundaries, not taking my requests for space seriously etc. And then comments, grunts, eye rolls when my dog does react.
@mckay My mother was in hospice dying of cancer. It was maybe a day or two before she died. I was very stressed out and miserable. I took my reactive dog to the park near where she lived as I was doing every day. Some asshat had his german shepherd off leash. I was trying to avoid and also my dog was going a little crazed. So some dude who fits this profile decides to rescue me damsel style and then proceeds to admonish me for pulling my dog (my dog was pulling me, but thanks) - seriously it is amazing I didn't punch that guy that day
@whatismypath Of course you do. It's an echo chamber for hate in here apparently. I have had bad experiences with men on that age range but it doss not mean it's all men in that age range. Same as if I have a bad experience with a 20 year girl.

Seriously some unresolved emotional trauma.
@alionka0013 Invalidating what women have to say about their own life experiences or dismissing them as "reddit bigotry" is literally the behavior of a man in his 50s or 60s. A hit dog will holler they say.
@alionka0013 Male here, Various-Tangerine-12 ain’t wrong, because most of my issues with my dog came from men being a nuisance and thinking they knew better when it came to training or raising my dog, despite the fact they never raised one themselves. 🤷‍♂️