GSD x Dane - Qs about anxiety, mouthiness, 1 person dog?


New member
Hello everyone! Figured this would be the best place to ask about this.

I have an absolutely wonderful, intelligent, adorable GSD x Dane puppy. I've always kept Danes or Dane mixes, but this adorable little terror is a whole different level.
  1. She can't handle me being 'gone'
If I'm in the house (and she knows where I am), all is fine. If I go into another room - she wails. I step out - she wails. I go to the store - wailing. She has a variety of toys and chews, I give her high value treats before running errands (such as a stuffed Kong) to no avail. She's very food and toy motivated, all of this goes out the window when she notices I'm not there.

There's always at least one person in the house so she isn't actually alone or being ignored. She's never destructive, just incredibly obnoxious. We start working on 'out-of-sight stay' this week, I'm hoping it might help her confidence that I'm not gone forever because I stepped out to check the mail. Otherwise...? Not sure. Any tips on resources would be appreciated.
  1. She's constantly putting her mouth on me
It's ONLY me. She doesn't do it to my youngsters, or my partner, or company, only me. She never bites firmly, it's always playful like holding my arm in her mouth, or mouthing on my fingers. I gently correct and redirect - every time, every day. Puppies are mouthy but this girl is like a tiny shark. Is this something I should be more firm about correcting (disengaging attention, for instance), or will she grow out of this?
  1. Are GSD normally "one person" dogs?
If so, why me? I include my youngsters and partner in all aspects of dog care (except handling waste) - feeding, training, playing, treats, she gets snuggled and loved by the whole household. But she doesn't listen to anyone else but me. I can call her from clear across my property, but she'll flat out ignore my oldest even if she's laying two feet away from the door and being offered a treat. She's happy to interact (she even napped with my oldest the other day) but seems to have zero interest in listening to even the most basic commands from anyone who isn't me.

If I'm in the kitchen - she's either on, or next to, my feet. I go to the couch, she's there. I go to bed, she's there. She's my shadow and I can't really phantom why. I take point on training and care, but I include the family as much as possible. Is this something I just gotta accept?


Puppy wails like she's being murdered if I leave. Starting on stay (with me out of sight) this week. She currently knows Sit, Stay, Down, Drop, Leave It, fetch, and recalls. Any other tips?

Puppy seems to think my limbs belong in her mouth. Nobody else's, just mine. Correct and redirect is current path. Something that will be grown out of? Should I be firmer in correction, such as disengaging my attention?

Puppy seems to have chosen me as 'The Human'. Gets attention and care from whole family, does not listen to any other family member for a second. It's weird. Is this a normal GSD thing?

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