GSD/Pitbull puppy thinks apartment dog park is hers


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We adopted our Kori when she was ~8 weeks, and is currently 8.5mo old. We got a DNA test for her, and she's 27% GSD, 20% Pitbull breeds, 20% Husky. She's smart, loyal, and protective of us. We also have a 13 year old Chi-mix who spent 5 years with a Husky roommate and is top dog in our house.

I'm gonna preface this saying we are planning on signing up for training for her, but life and money and blah blah. We're saving up for the cost, but need advice in the meantime.

We just moved into an apartment complex at the beginning of September from a rental house in a suburban neighborhood. We would take her for walks so she could become accustomed with other humans existing outside, and she was doing really well. She is reactive, but we could see her improving over time. She goes to the local dog park a few times a month to interact with other dogs and get some energy run out.

Fast forward to the apartment complex. It's a small complex without a pool, so there are minimal children running around screaming. It has a backyard-sized gated area for dogs. She's getting better about not reacting to other humans, we've seen improvement in the 2 mos we've been here. But every time she sees another dog, she just goes nuts and all training seems to disappear. Incessant barking, whining, pulling at her leash until she's up on her back feet. We have her in a front clip harness on a shorter rope leash.

Thankfully everyone in the complex has been super awesome and understanding about her, and have a couple have offered to let our dogs meet so maybe she'd stop barking. We let her into the gated dog area with a young Golden (at the permission of the owner), and he was interested in doing the whole "let's circle eachother and sniff butts," but Kori would not stop barking in his poor face. Even after the Golden left the gated area, she would run back and forth in front of the gate and bark.

It's easy to forget she's just a baby because of her size and she's still learning, but we're out of ideas on how to get her to stop acting like other dogs are trespassing in her gated area. Does anyone have any advice on tips to calm her down when she gets like this?

Puppy Tax

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