Grooming table stopped working!


New member
I have a ComfortGroom Ultra Low Z-Lift Electric Grooming Table that’s about a year old. It’s stuck in the highest position and will not move! The pedals won’t work, and of course I tried unplugging and plugging it back in but nothing! Any advice on what to do!? I really can’t afford another $1,500 table right now 😩
@jessefrank Google the name of it and the words “troubleshooting” and in a different search (if you don’t get what you need) “most common problems”.

Do that with any item and it will usually come up with your issue. Once you have the name of it hit up YouTube and find a video of someone fixing it. The company should have some basic maintenance videos too. Don’t forget to follow those.
@jessefrank Just in case it’s not mechanical you can try using an air blaster and some grease or wd40 on it. Sometimes it dries out or a clump of hair can jam the mechanism. I had an old boss that cleaned the tables everyday and I guess wiped down the part that moves, and the table would jam. Lol. Hope you figure it out! If not I’d say call the company.

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