Grooming Advice


New member
I have a 45lb Australian Shephard. She is about 14 months old. Usually I bathe and dry her myself but she needs some sanitary trimming.

I took her to a groomer close by to my house cause she is not good in the car. Groomer bathed her, put her on the table and when they were drying her and trying to trim she would not let them near her with scissors or a clipper and then she pooped on the table even though she was walked just before I took her to the groomer. They had to bathe her a second time. They still charged me the full price but no sanitary trim, no nail clipping ect.

So how do I find a groomer that can actually handle her and get the job done?

She is an anxious but none aggressive pup. I have her pretty much accustomed to the pet blow dryer. She is ok with brushing for the most part. I can't trim her dewclaws by myself cause she will lick my hands and around the nail trimmer ect... Hope this draws a clear picture of my situation.

Any advice?

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