Genuine advice needed


New member
What should I be doing with my pup between the hours of 6-9:30

He goes bed at 9:30

His last walk is at 7pm, he has 3 a day.

I think my relationship is wrong because I’m forced to distract him from tearing the place up

I just need ideas, it’s not a complaint, I’m sure it’s age and we will get there but this is just becoming bad for my mental health.

I’m not someone who watches TV so I’m just sat here playing, correcting him and on my phone
@pete1507 Mental stimulation for a GSD is every bit as important as physical. Look for some of the puzzle games you hide treats in and other types of toys that require thought to solve.
@pete1507 google "Nina Ottosson" for some great ones! Read the reviews as some are too easy for GSD's to figure out!

Putting plain yogurt inside a kong and freezing it will also keep them entertained for a short time.
@pnku002 Do the same with kibble. Soak it in water to a mash then pack the kong and freeze it. Or pup loves it. Guaranteed half an hour working with it. It's part of his routine so at 7 he's sitting by the freezer waiting for it.
@pete1507 How old?

Probably training and teaching him to relax and chill some vs constantly needing/pushing for attention.

Limit access and establish boundaries so you don't have to constantly correct him from things he shouldn't be into.
@fl269fl269 This is so important. Life events have me living at my parents again in my 30s, they have a black lab 14 months old they've tried to raise perfectly, their previous dogs have been fine so not sure why they've been so militant this time. Anyway, this fella can not self sooth at all, if he's left alone he steals things, jumps up at the side, tries to get to the cat food, attacks the carpet etc.

This stems from them being overbearing for the first year of his life and now expecting him to be an adult and fend for himself.

Then there's my pup, 7 months old, I walk him at 1600 and feed at 1800. After that our day is done, so similar sort of time to OP. He then does his own thing playing with toys etc, he'll come up to me if he wants a stroke or to tug the toy he brings me. But by me having always let him think for himself, within boundaries, he's now at a point where he'll self sooth etc.

My parent's made the mistake of thinking theirs always needed human interaction and activities.

I'm tired and not explaining things well.
@pete1507 Brushing might be good at this point in the day? Mine are always happy to sprawl on me and get pets, grooming gloves seem to be like a massage from the way they react!

Also when you get up to make a drink or whatever, use it to reinforce training - wait, stay, paw, whatever with the usual treat/cuddles for doing well. Low key mental work.