Frenchie / English bullies fresh food


New member

Just joined to get some recommendations for fresh dog food...

I am taking my 2y/o frenchie (~20lbs) and my 9y/o english bully (~55lbs) off kibble, at this point they both hate it and want something else... Both of my dogs a pretty lazy/low energy city dogs. I'm looking for owner's recommendations for fresh food.

I'm still reading and still a bit confused about criteria to choose specific food for my dogs. Would love some help from your experience about specific brands or further research for my dogs.

Thanks in advance.
@sevilodorf My English bully would eat anything, but lately has been reluctant/slow to eat her dry food... I'm interested in finding food which would be healthy for her and she would love in the later stages of her life.

My Frenchie might be picky, but since I want to move my English bully to fresh food, I want to do the same for him.

I'm not really sure what are the "standards" I should be setting, the information I feel is relevant:
  • They're both lazy/low energy, should have food/diet that would fit that lifestyle.
  • They both love chicken, and have no allergies AFAIK.
@jas13499 Changes in appetite really need to be checked out by a vet, so I’d go that route before switching food.

There is no evidence fresh food is any healthier than kibble, and unfortunately there some risk in switching because none of these brands are appropriately investing in expertise and research.

The standards are bulleted on that page linked above followed by a bunch of links supporting them. They’re fairly straightforward.