Food Advice


New member
Cat owner here (please don't get angry I love dogs too). I'm trying to figure out if I should be switching my cat to raw, since I've heard a lot about how people are using it for their dogs. Does anyone here have any idea if raw is also good for cats, and what brands are best? Any help would definitely be appreciated. Thanks all!
@warrior1 Veterinary Nutritionists can help you navigate the raw food options just like they do with dog owners. I can link the directory to DACVNs in the US, but if you're in another country I'd have to look at what's available there.
@warrior1 r/rawpetfood might be a better place (although they are very pro raw and anti kibble).

Generally speaking, raw is difficult if you're doing it the right way and balancing everything properly. Hiring a nutritionist is what I usually recommend to dog owners hopefully you can find someone with good credentials who specializes in cat nutrition. Also, It is very expensive and time consuming.